已有 492 次阅读  2014-01-31 06:11

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China celebrates the Year of the Horse

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important celebration in the Chinese calendar

People marked the arrival of a new lunar year across, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Incense filled the air at one of Hong Kong's best-known temples. Crowds gathered at Wong Tai Sin Temple before 11 pm (1500 GMT) hoping to make their new year wishes at the most auspicious moment.

According to traditional Chinese time-keeping, 11 pm on the eve of the lunar new year is an ideal moment visit a temple to pray and put incense sticks in place.

The hope is to bring as much good fortune for the coming year as possible.

Visitors at Wong Tai Sin Thursday night shared similar hopes for the new year of the horse - smooth progress for Hong Kong's economy, and good health for their families.

The rush to put incense sticks in place and pray is now much more controlled than in the past.

Air pollution concerns in the capital and a widespread anti-extravagance campaign launched by authorities have led to a significant reduction in the traditional noisy displays.

From Beijing's Bell Tower, an iconic building from 1272 that once laid at the heart of Kublai Khan(忽必烈)'s capital, fire crackers and fireworks could still be heard and seen.

Source: APTN

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