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    因为不玩微博,最近一段时间,几乎每天都在这里发点状态吐槽一下。 心想这里人也不多,一方面做点记录,如果,能有聊得来的人聊聊天,也挺好。 但是,莫名其妙地,招惹了一些人。 图片里这位,第一次来我这里留言就出口成脏。我根本没回,就拉黑了他。 今天去这个人的主页一看,没想到,整整一页全是骂我的,而且极其不文明。 我不是公
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    kid浮躁 2020-02-21 20:20
    来聊聊贾元春吧,以前分析过几个红楼梦里的人物,但就是没怎么讲过贾元春。贾元春这个人物很重要,我说的重要是,她的死才是整个贾家败亡的关键转折,然而由于红楼梦后面的章回遗失,所以也就各说各话了。但是如果认真梳理一下书中关于元春的部份,有一点是很明显的,那就是贾元春的参照人物就是历史上的杨玉环。 红楼梦的判词与附曲
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    绑架鲁迅、借文鲁迅,似乎大有新时期的恨国臭虫们之尚方宝剑、绝世神招的味道。 不论中国社会翻涌任何黑白左右要事,搬出鲁迅用来骂国,作用都是极佳。若是辅以矫揉造作的忸怩悲态、唯恐天下不乱的无病呻吟媚姿,在互联网之上的煽动效果,则更迈一层。 然而鲁迅先生的境度和文字指向,岂是这帮酸痹之徒能附庸得上的?
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    kid浮躁 2020-01-30 12:19
    要警惕围绕着八名造谣者而掀起的一波浊浪。 为造谣者张目会带来的结果是: 1. 承认谣言倒逼真相,只要谣言未来能够应验,那么造谣就无罪而有功。包括这一次,如果有人说本县本市将要疫情大扩散,警察抓不抓? 谣言的定性其实非常简单,没有证据就是谣言,而不在于其事后是否应验。动机正确与否更不是标准,公知们从来都
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  • 这次的事情其实很简单,这是疏于管理、得瑟的当事人、文化热点效应的叠加。根源就是疏于管理,暴露出的问题很严重,但深层次却不是管理不善那么简单。和新老院长谁主事没有关系。 首先,之前广为人知的“不能进车”应该是说午门正道、开放区观众线不能走车,礼宾与办公车辆等一直都有。只是,这个“不能进车”被前任行事
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    kid浮躁 2019-11-29 13:31
    台2020候选人财产申报: 韩国瑜夫妇共申报存款(新台币、下同)3189万3801元、有价证券1424万8076元、基金受益凭证1194万386元;土地与建物申报都为0笔;1笔1000万的事业投资;债务1234万7355元。 蔡英文申报土地6笔、2笔建物,存款4877万3937元、有价证券413万6370元及1笔110万的事业投资。 宋楚瑜则申报土地、建物各1笔,存款7
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    国庆期间,我自觉自愿地去电影院,为贺庆电影《我和我的祖国》贡献了票房。 这是一部由陈凯歌领衔的七位导演的联合巨制,陈凯歌先生除了担任总导演之外,还亲手操刀了一个涵盖扶贫和航天两大题材的章节——《白昼流星》。 我去看电影的时候,是一个大雨滂沱的傍晚;看完电影出来的时候,是一个大雨滂沱的夜晚。当时我在想:你说,这
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    网络容易遇到杠精,大家都习惯用“三观”这个大到不行的词来敷衍彼此。 动辄就要用“三观”来解释人生,那人生未免太艰难了。 有时候,我们的给彼此制造的困局,也许就只是一个语文问题。 比如下面这道题:
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    A few year later, Emperor Xiaowen (r.471-99) decided to transform his state into a true Chinese dynasty on the model of Han and Jin. In the 490s he moved the capital more than 300 miles south to the ruins of Luoyang and built a splendid new city there; he gave Chinese surnames to the Xianbei, taking
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    The courts at Nanjing repeatedly had to deal with challenges to their authority. The most destructive uprising began in 548, initiated by a would-be warlord from the north, Hou Jing, who gathered a huge army of disaffected and set siege to the capital. By the time the city fell four months later
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    As warfare brought in its wake banditry and famine, rural communities all over north China built forts and organized self-defence forces, with power devolving to the local level even more than it thad in the waning years of the Han. The commercial economy suffered and the circulation of money declin
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  • Although it had unified China, the Western Jin never succeeded in establishing an autocratic imperial institution, that is, one capable of preserving ultimate power for the emperor and preventing dissension and power struggles. The imperial family's power was threatened by the families of empresses,
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    Two rival claimants to the throne had sufficient local power to thwart Cao Cao's and Cao Pei's efforts to build a government on the  scale of the Han. In the central and lower Yangzi valley and further south, the brothers Sun Ce and Sun Quan established the state of Wu, supported by the great
  • 干脆来抄书算了 Chapter4: Buddhism, Aristocracy, and Alien rulers. The age of division 200-589 The centuries that separated the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 and the reunification of China by the Sui dynasty in 589 were marked by political division and governments unable to gain firm co
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    上个周写论文,折腾了一周。读报在这个周应该继续进行了。 在开始每天读报之前,发一篇自己写的小短文,欢迎各位英语爱好者打分,满分十分。 This particular statue represents chintamanichakra avalokiteshvara, which is a specific emanation of avalokiteshavara. It can be identified by a little f
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    情人节菜谱,摘自卫报,非常实用。 The food of love: Yotam Ottolenghi's recipes for Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is a time to push the culinary boat out for your significant other. And my smoked fish quiche, duck and pomegranate wraps and rice pudding with a twist fit the bill perfectly
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    Vladimir Putin all smiles for an elegant, surreal look at Russian history in Sochi Winter Olympics' opening ceremony was light on nationalism but with a share of psychedelia and a utopian(这就是大家最爱的:乌托邦)  view of history In a buttoned -down black overcoat with a fur
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    the guardian David Cameron to plead with Scotland's voters to say no to independence SNP condemns 'shameful' attempt to politicise Olympics as PM visits London venue to declare: 'We want you to stay' Prime minister David Cameron will use the scene of Team GB’s successs at Lond
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    What has happened to all the Hollywood films? Between 2006 and 2013, there was a 40 per cent drop in the number of films released by the major Hollywood studios. David Gritten investigates a worrying trend I chanced upon a statistic the other day that made me wonder if Hollywood studios ar
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    摘自《thetelegraphy》 Junk food: we need to tackle Britain's obesity crisis Pussy footing around the junk food issue just isn't going to work – it's time for legislation At last, the truth is out about burgers, pizza and pop. The World Health Organisation has published research by ex
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    穷人在哪都不好过,移民是手段,但是终极手段还是要赚钱。今天太困了,所以找了一篇简单的。 More than half of Britons cutting back on heating, shopping and takeaways Poll(good wife里这个词出现了n多遍:民调) of 30,000 people by market research firm Nielsen uncovers first dip in consumers' con
  • 七的倍数 review National Maritime Museum hopes display will solve mystery of  Wren  artist Museum to exhibit series of second world war sketches by Gladys E Reed to  glean  details of her life and career repairing equipment including  torpedo  tu
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    这条新闻,一下把我拉回了当年看《卡波特》的时侯。 转眼间,尘归尘,土归土。 摘自《卫报》 Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead from suspected drug overdose at 46  • Source tells Guardian drug overdose investigated  • Family statement: 'This is a tragic and sudden loss'
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    一个人是否喜欢一个城市,很多时侯取决于你能在多大程度上消费这个城市。 第一次去上海的时侯,我觉得这个城市冷漠排外。几年后再次造访,当我告别了地铁公交和廉价酒店,日日朝宴晚饮纵情声色的时侯,上海成了我最爱的城市。 此刻,我恨透了伦敦,因为我消费不起这座城市。 文章关于房地产,摘自《卫报》,不得不说,通货膨胀和房地产真是一
  • 今天又偷懒了。春节嘛,读一篇没有生词的文章吧。摘自《thetelegraphy》 China celebrates the Year of the Horse Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important celebration in the Chinese calendar People marked the arrival of a new lunar year across, China, Hong Kong
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    《the telegraphy》 China bans cigarettes from schools Despite China's powerful tobacco monopoly( 有一个叫大富翁的游戏,也是这个词。mono和poly是两个非常非常常见的词根 ), China has banned cigarettes in kindergartens, elementary and middle schools Despite years of campaigning by health acti
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    卫报 How the experts use salt in their cooking – and why  The science of how salt affects the taste of food is more complicated than you might think – but it's vital to understand if you want to improve your skill in the kitchen Sea salt … how do you get the full bene
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    摘自《卫报》 在这个National Maritime Museum在Greenwich Observatory旁边,我去过。哈哈。 National Maritime Museum hopes display will solve mystery of Wren artist  Museum to exhibit series of second world war sketches by Gladys E Reed to glean details of her life and career
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    review: but as a  discerning(discern)  consumer of international news, you probably knew that already. But the platform’s dazzling success soon attracted government  scrutiny In the  annal s of cultural exchange between mainland China and Taiwan since reforms began i
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    摘自卫报 Ed Balls defends Labour's handling of economy before crash Shadow chancellor says Labour is 'pro-business' and level of expenditure before 2008 was not cause of recession Ed Balls on the Andrew Marr Show, where he said he was proud of what Labour had done to i
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    摘自《the telegraph》。 David Cameron: Britain can bring jobs back from abroad Prime Minister says reshoring ’ jobs can drive growth and is next step in globalisation David Cameron announces new Government body to encourage companies to locate jobs in the UK rather than the Fa
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    从同学家回来,到现在还非常激动,不禁感慨软装修才是王道!黄花梨太师椅坐上去真的超满足,简直就是肉体和精神的双重享受,书房里用观音造像改造的台灯更是美的无以复加,如果有这么一个台灯,我愿意天天读书学习! 不过理想是丰满的,现实是残酷的,所以还是要好好学习。早上起来复习单词,遇到了acid,晚上又撞见了一篇和acid相关的文
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    感觉昨天的那篇文章写的不怎么好,所以决定还是不要在别的网站上乱找了,用来学习的文章还是要系出名门。这篇文章摘自《the guardian》,是今天culture版块下面的第一篇。对于这位演员,我是完全不了解,说到底为的是学语言,也无所谓兴趣了。我就看过《绝望的媳妇儿》和《好媳妇儿》两部美剧,没看过CIA。 Chris Pine: 'J
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    上篇文章,我分成了两篇。 China’s Massive Urbanization Project is Shifting its Focus It’s easy to forget that China’s migration from farm to city is the biggest flow of human beings in world history—and there are still an estimated 300 million who will eventually make that shift.
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    昨天回家太晚,看了一遍讲义,然后就开始看澳网直播了,看完就睡了,紧紧张张的。今天放学回家,先把昨天的那一篇补上。 Coming to Chinese Headlines in 2014 TEA LEAF NATION, RACHEL LU01.03.14 Empress in the Palace, a TV mini-series set in a Qing-dynasty harem, has riveted viewers in Taiwan all year long
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    7的倍数就是review Steffi Graf raises the  trophy  after winning the 1988 84Australian Open at Flinders Park A  spanking  new £28m "space-age" National Tennis Centre greeted the players and media on their arrival with Martina Navratilova also&nb
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    UN and IMF officials among 21 killed in Kabul suicide attack British politician and bodyguard are also victims of bombing and shooting at restaurant in Afghan capital Mokhtar Amiri  in Kabul and  Emma Graham-Harrison The Observer ,  Saturday 18
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    空气问题上了《the telegraph》中国新闻的头条。好事不出门,坏事传千里。不过这种新闻报道顶多也就起一个督促的作用,某种程度上其实就是外国媒体看笑话。 Smog in China prompts authorities to display sun on giant screens Air pollution in China is so bad that the only way to see the sun is via a bil
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    今天李娜的比赛非常惊险。第一盘脆败,在第二盘救了一个赛点,随后赢了抢7,最终在40度的高温下,耗时2小时37分三盘苦战逆转萨法洛娃,挺进第四轮! Li battles back from the brink Friday, 17 January, 2014 By Alexandra Willis Li Na is a curious case. Just when you deign to think that she has it all
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    今天看了成绩,顿时觉得无比失落,我就想知道怎么才能在英国考到80+。欢迎献言献策。 文章摘自高大上的《economist》,这篇算是简单的。 Fatal distraction Mobile phones: People who use their phones while driving are causing carnage on the roads. Can technology reduce phone-related accidents? F
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    摘自《the telegraph》 China's 120mph railway arriving in Laos(老挝) China's mammoth(猛犸音译,也用来形容庞然大物) engineering project construct a railway from southwest China’s Yunnan Province all the way to Singapore is set to transform rural Laos Computer generated images showing
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    今天我很开心,因为有生以来,我第一次觉得自己可以用英语清晰地表达自己的观点了。 很多人觉得,口语就是小词活用,与词汇无关;也有不少人巧妙嫁接自己背过的段子,然后考出很漂亮的口语分数。可是对于我,我一直觉得制约我英语能力的根本就是词汇,我知道我想要的口语和大多数人不同,我希望使用英语复刻我中文的表达习惯,我喜欢长句子,喜
  • 星期天,就做个review吧。 我把之前六篇文章的单词都摘出来了,保留了部分的上下文,可以帮助记忆。 The German  chancellor ,  Angela Merkel suffering severe  bruising  and a "partial fracture of the left interior  pelvic  ring walking with the help of 
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  • 每天读报(六)

    昨天的文章太长,所以今天读一篇短的,以示劳逸结合。下周一澳网开赛,所以从澳网官网上找了一条关于李娜的报道,也希望她在本届澳网好运。文章很简单,高三学生读起来都不费力。 Third time lucky for Li? Saturday, 11 January, 2014 By Mike Steere Last year’s beaten women's singles finalist Li Na is c
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  • 每天读报(五)

    昨晚,公寓网络突然瘫痪了,所以文章没能按时发出来,于是今早赶快来到图书馆把昨天的文章补上。 很多时候我们打算养成一个习惯或者坚持做一件事情,总会因为一些外力而中断。就拿坚持每天跑步来说吧,遇到刮风下雨总是难免,可结果却使得我们很多原本美好的期望胎死腹中。很多时候,我们觉得外力强大,其实只是因为自己的意志不够坚强
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    第四天了,也该换个报纸读了,so,《the telegraph》。对大多数中国人来说,今天这篇报道的内容非常地接地气。很多实用的单词和词组,非常适合和外国人做深刻交流,比如 re education through labour,dissident,top secret,Standing Committee(常务委员会),prosecute,pimp,protester,disciple。 关于每日读报的一切都欢迎留言讨论,坦白说我
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    还是摘自今天的《the guardian》 Met police want water cannon(加农炮就是此词的音译) ready to use in Britain by summer Theresa May(英国现任内政大臣) has rejected a request for government funds to buy water cannon, letter to Boris Johnson(伦敦市长)reveals   Boris Johnson wrote
  • 第二篇,同样摘自《the guardian》。formula: 华氏度 = 32 + 摄氏度 × 1.8 Arctic temperatures send chill across US and Canada for second day • Temperatures in US north-east plunge 50F in 24 hours • Four deaths attributed to 'polar vortex ' in midwest states Arctic-like co
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    今天终于开学了。元旦第一天上课,新的开始,希望这一年自己的英语能够有一个本质的提高 。 我知道自己是一个懒怠且没有毅力的人,我也知道欲速则不达,所以我给自己提的要求不高,每天读一篇文章就好,看看自己能坚持多久。 第一篇文章摘自《the guardian》关于默克尔滑雪受伤的新闻。描红的单词是我不认识的。 因为