Like a masochist
2已有 617 次阅读  2014-01-21 09:57   标签masochist 

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Bad Migraine

Pain of the world, it used to be

Business of the others, I once considered it

Wind that blows across your hair stirs the heart

Within you

Because you care

Youth & health

Mighty to those walking towards demise

Yet plain as the stone lying next to a grass that is quiet and obscure

The world is you oyster, my child

The litter me

Looking at the flesh in the mirror, staring in vain as the youth comes across

Dear migraine

Suddenly I see you

As a blind man sensing a wheel sweeping by

Come, and accompany me

Amuse me, he said

I have been waiting for you for ages

Like the star screaming into the wild

Heard by the moon

Beyond the reach of the hand in the darkness

You are my sunshine

Never in the world would my past have guess this sentence

The one that is enunciated out of my mouth


What a cliché

Despise doesn’t even begin to describe my sentiment

Like the kidnapped girl clinging on to her abductor

You are growing inside me

My pain, my love, the one I loathe and cherish as ever

I am a masochist

I fear pain, crave pain, savor pain, relish in vain

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  • Self 2014-01-26 19:32
    You are growing inside me

    My pain, my love, the one I loathe and cherish as ever
