Falling From Grace
4已有 622 次阅读  2014-02-10 13:50   标签snow  grace 

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Lunar New Year is over, much like the fireworks flourishing into a glamorous void. Out of nowhere, snow crawled its way onto my door steps and buried the entire world with its magical charms.

“Why are you so late?” I was not relived yet skeptical.

“What makes you think I am late?” Snow grinned, exposing a gigantic opening at the center of the oval-shaped lake inside Taoranting Park.

An epiphany dashed through my mind. I looked around: a serene world, a peaceful mind, and a heart away from all parental nagging to marry me off to a series of names I could barely remember. In that fleeting second, I was grateful for snow, but couldn’t help sympathizing with it.

Aren’t we all like the snow?


When the world is rejoicing in your pure essence

They brutally ignored your desire for solitude

and inner peace

It must be hard for you

Falling from grace

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  • 10104218 2014-02-10 14:08
    纵然再优雅的坠落,雪终究是要落地的。Trust me,someone is waiting for you on the ground that belongs to you. It won't be long.
  • panjing9453 2014-02-11 01:11
