是我们改变了世界 还是世界改变了我和你
已有 563 次阅读  2014-02-12 12:32

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Riddle me this: When you fall down in front of the crowd, what is the first rush of emotion that comes to your mind, pain or humiliation? 

Riddle me this: When you come across an attractive face on Feizan, do you take the initiative to send a message and attempt to establish a relationship or do you quietly follow his latest updates without saying a word? Imagine you are single.

The world is not changing, with the eternal fight and deprivation of resources.

We are not changing, with the innate sensation of hunger,fear,joy,jealousy,illness,and death.

So what has changed? Why are we acting in a way that seems to make sense to everyone yet completely unnatural to the macro and micro world.

Because we are unique? Intelligent?...

Sometimes, opening your eyes is the hardest endeavors of all. How do I borrow the vision from the eagle or the owl, and see through the mist that sourrends everything I do and everyone I touch?


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