Break is OVER~
4已有 519 次阅读  2017-02-03 19:30   标签new  year 

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For those in school, the winter break is over; for those in the work force, 
saddly, the annual break is over as well. Either way, the break is over. It wasn't
 until I wrote the title that I realized how unbelievably vivid the expressions 
related to beginnings and endings are--we have turn over a new leaf, wipe the 
slate clean, embark on a new journey, the dust has settled, etc. These are just 
the ones off the top of my head. There must be numerous out there to express 
different and subtle meanings towards the beginning or the end of a period.

During the New Year's Day holiday, we all claim our new year resolutions. In truth,
 many people do not make any resolution until after the Lunar New Year Festivals, 
having gone through the celebrative yet chaotic atmosphere at home. I, for one, 
was almost brainwashed by my family into thinking that I need to find someone and
 watch my savings 

For me, the Lunar New Year is nothing out of the ordinary: I greeted the same 
relatives, enjoyed the same family fun, and got into the same tug-of-war with 
my mother regarding when I can finally settle down. If anything, I missed writing.
 Somehow, I think writing or calligraphy is something I can do only when I am 
living alone, in a different city. But this is a topic I may explore in the future.
 So, "turning over a new leaf" is the kind of expression that does not apply to me,
 because neither my mind or my lifestyle will change much compared to the ones I 
had in 2016, or the year before.

When I arrived at my apartment in Beijing today, I was sorting out all the dirty 
laundry while watching a TV show that features ancient Chinese poems in which many
 contestants compete with each other to see who is more versed in ancient poems. 
When one contestant was eliminated, she quoted a line I related strongly, 
"板凳宁坐十年冷 文章不写半句空.

This line was originally said by some scholar to deliver the meaning that one has 
to be patien and rigorous as a scholar. I am neither qualified to be a scholar nor
 aspire to be one some day. Having said that, I do believe in consistency when it 
comes to the things we do or love. For the seven days I was at home, busy visiting
 all the relatives and not writing anything, I missed it deeply. Now that the holiday
 is over, I can finally sit down and put that chapter behind me. What awaits me is
 reading, writing, and teaching writing. My heart swells with sheer joy as I type 
the word "writing"

This is probably one of the least substantial journal I have ever written in my life.
 When we are about to read a new book, we usually take a look at the cover and the 
back, check the catalogue to see what to expect, and smell the woody aroma of the 
crisp new pages. So, why not consider my above words the routine we have before 
reading a book: it brings me back to the zone and preludes a new year full of fun 
of playing with words.


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