Nicknames, Aliases, Screen Names...一个属于昵称和外号的美好时代
2已有 655 次阅读  2017-02-05 08:28   标签friends 

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Many friends kept asking me why I like to use Flatfish as my screen name. In fact, 
this name has been with me for over fifteen years, and the only reason I did not 
reveal the origin of the name was that there is something almost unspeakable about 
where the idea came from.

One of my favoriate films is 向左爱 向右爱, a Korean film staring Cha Tae Hyun
 and Son Ye-jin, telling a melancholy love trangle between two girls and a boy. 
The alias Flatfish does comes from this film, but, unfortunately, with a rather
 wicked source. 

The film began in a small restaurant where two men were discussing how fishermen 
deal with their physical desires when they are out in the sea fishing for weeks
a typical example of how far Korean films are willing to go to challenge audiences'
 mental strength. Then one man starts to tell an anecdote he heard somewhere--According
 to him, when fishermen are out in the sea for a long time and they cannot hold their
 urges any longer, they would find a flatfish to ....instead of using their hands. 
(I have to skip the description for obvious reasons....). After watching the film, 
as much as I was touched by the love story, I couldn't get the opening story out of 
my mind. It was so bizarre, mind-blowing, yet wicked at the same time. So, when I 
started using the Internet and was asked to choose a screen name, on a whim, I decided
 to go with Flatfish, and have never bothered to change it since.

There you have it, the reason why I kept the orgin of my online alias a secret.
 I am afraid my friends would go involuntarily deaf after hearing the story. The only
comfort for me is that this name has an unusal source. That's all. 
Speaking of aliases, my whole body is tingling with excitment and ideas, simply 
because they are so unbiquitous and permeasive in our life that our world is 
incomplete without them.

Have you heard of the Deadful Melody, the Invincible Eastern, or the Golden Lion King?
 If not, you must be familiar with their origional Chinese counterparts: 六指琴魔,
东方不败,金毛狮王. I had never realized how overly dramatic and weird these terms 
sound in English until I wrote them down a few seconds ago. This must be how we feel
 againt the Little Fingers, the Usurpers, or the Undead, or the Kingslayers when we 
read Game of Thrones. These, are aliases. They are so unbelievably interesting and 
dramatic that they can only exist in the world of literature. And there are not many 
things like literature that can shape our world.

As a loyal fun of the Kong Fu and fantasy novels, I have grown up familiar with all 
the powerful aliases, to a point that I wanted my name to be equally, if not more, 
cool as those. I remember being teased during primary school for my name 弛, because
 it bears the same pronounciation as other characters like 迟 or 池, hence the nicknames
 "Perpetually Late" or "the Little Pond". Now that I think about it, it was harmless
 word games played among children. But I was not taking it lightly at that time.
 No children could. So, after careful consideration, I went to my mom and seriously 
demand they change my name to 剑, only because it was so cool for the Kong Fu masters.
 Fortunately my mom laughed it off, otherwise, I would have to live the rest of my life
 with more atrocious nicknames related to the word 贱. Alas, the childhood!

What used to exist only in fantasy novels and daily pranks had gradually turned into
 mainstream due to the advent of the digital age. When using QQ, WeChat, Blued, Feizan,
 or Aloha, most people have to choose alias. And that's when people start to get 
creative. If our names have been picked by our parents to express their wishes for our
 life, then the alias are hand-down the first name we have picked for ourselves, which
 is probably why many people take it very seriously. The good thing is that screen 
names usually come with both a name and a photo. So, combining the two, it is quite
 easy to get a glimpse of what that person is like.

For example, on Blued, there are a few groups of people with distinctively different
 choices for their aliases, but very clear revealation of themselves as a person.
 Some people like to use puppies or kitties, showcasing their fondness for cute 
animals; some people use muscle shots with sexually explicit alias like 强攻持久or
曲径通幽, then you kown they are either proud of of their bodies or are looking for
 someone with ripped bodies,but one thing for certain is that they are more likely 
to look for one-night-stands than long-term relationships. I guess the most blatant
 and unfurnished aliases are those with profile photos of suits or socks. These are
 fetishes that correspond directly to sexual preferences, so that you know they
 are looking for nothing else.

With names, we see the wishes of the previous generations; with alias, however, 
we can see directly into the person, or at least a part of him, just like one's 
handwriting or clothing choices. They are all part of who we are.That's why I can never
 really appreciate those with random online names or bad handwritings. Some people
 wonder why they get no response when initiating a converstation on dating APPs. 
Perhaps you should check your alias and other profiling information first.

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