Cynicism 粪青与中国诗词大会
1已有 723 次阅读  2017-02-15 22:07

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The other day, I was having breakfast with my friend while watching Singer.

F(friend)--"Yuan Yawei is doing pretty good with this song."
I--"Sure. But the song must sound better when the origional singer does it. After all, the song was written and sung by black people."
F--"Lin Yilian has given a moving performance. Someone in the audience seat is crying."
I--"Another performer, I guess. They are paid to cry. I think the song is OKay. Not bad, but certainly fall short of touching."

Strangely, our converstation did not occur to me until this morning, when we were watching the morning news in which a woman was interviewing a couple at a shopping mall on Valentine's Day.

"The man and woman look awful. They shouldn't even been on the street. Might scare someone." The moment those words came out of my mouth, I knew I was going too far, like a did when watching Singer.

Speaking ill of someone or making fun of someone is not that unacceptable to me. After all, who among us have not complained of someone, perhaps a coworker or a classmate?  What bothered me was how involuntarily mean I have become, and how ready I am to pick bones out of an egg under any circumstance.

a few days ago, I finished watching Chinese Poem Convention hosted by Dong Qing, a talented and accomplished hostess at CCTV. Although not always a poem fun, like many other audiences, I related strongly to the poems appearing in the program and was amazed at how charming and talented the contestants were. No less exciting were the stage design and the background music. It was a humbling experience for me to watch so many well-read and knowledgable people.

After the show, I came across a post on Chouti, a SNW platform for people to share and discuss news, much like the Reddit, discussing why the program was so popular among viewers and how the hostess Dong Qing became so famous. 

"Dong is just Okay. Who canont memorize a few lines!"
"The convention is a decimation of Chinese poems."

It was so vicious and full of negetivity that I was outraged at those giving such awful comments. Beforehand, I used to visit Chouti because I thought the messages by the online users were hilarious. Now, when a great program is in question and has been verbally abused by them, I was suddenly overcome with a strong sense of aversion. Even having the phone APP made me feel like I was dragged in the mud by these horrible people. So, I deleted the APP.

Such a move did sound a bit overdramatic and unnecessary, considering that people have vastly different opinons on so many different things: Wang Baoqiang's divorce, Chen Sicheng's extra-marital affair, Donal Trump's presidency, etc. Some people hide behind the screen and give such unreasonable comments that we give them a special name 键盘侠, or as I put it--losers.

But we are not talking about being irresponsible with the comments. We are talking about the strange tendency to critize and be cynical.

Growing up, I kept hearing the expression "粪青", angry youngsters. I used to associate the term with rock & roll singers and fans. To me, it means being mad at society and everyone and everything else, which is why I was suprised to realize that I was heading towards the direction. As far as my previous life was concerned, I was rarely angry at anything, let alone be a punk. However, as I watched the negative comments on the program and reflected upon my involuntary urge to veto everyone and everything coming my way, I knew something had to be done.

The thing about being cynical might be overstated by some as being critical and demanding, like a stern teacher picking on a child. However, it carries around bad air like the a large cloud of shadow. When others see the sun, the cynical sees the UV light; when others see the beauty in a girl, the cynical sees life as unfair. It is so easy to pass harmful comments nowadays that some people begin to lose perspective of the proper way to communicate.

Since when have I become so unbelievably judgemental? If someone...(gotta go, to be continued...)

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  • 2017-02-16 11:14
