洛杉矶同志中心的CEO Lorri 获奖了。
2已有 586 次阅读  2014-09-17 06:44

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Truly, L.A. is the City of Angels. When Los Angeles Magazine names Center CEO Lorri L. Jean and Board Member (and renowned chef) Susan Feniger as two "game changers who make the city a better place," then we know the Center is in good hands and in good company. Congratulations to both of them!

洛杉矶同志中心的CEO Lorri

Lorri L. Jean Protects LGBT People in L.A. and Beyond

The CEO of the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center provides LGBT Angelenos medical services, career resources—even lodging—while fighting for civil rights nationwide

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Her lightbulb moment: Long before I knew I was a lesbian, I wanted to stand up for what was right. Once I was practicing law, I realized I would have a lot more fun working for my own community.

Her elevator pitch: Legal equality does not mean that you are treated fairly in society. We’re seeing all-time-high numbers of homeless LGBT youth in need because families in L.A. are kicking their kids out because of their sexual orientation. It’s going to be decades before organizations like ours are no longer needed.

Her greatest challenge: There are approximately 65,000 gays and lesbians over the age of 65 in L.A., but people who have the resources to help don’t understand the challenges those seniors face. They say, “They’re adults.Can’t they take care of themselves?” Not always. They are four times more likely than their straight counterparts to have no family to help them as they age.

The reward: On the rare days when I get weary, I talk with one of the kids who is living at the center, and it takes me a nanosecond to get over my job’s frustrations. We’re making a difference in people’s lives.


    文中提到“They are four times more likely than their straight counterparts to have no family to help them as they age.”我想是因为这个年纪的人父母一般都去世了,而很多LGBT老人没有子女。

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