Does Versatility Hinder the Way to Greatness? No!
11已有 1153 次阅读  2013-12-29 14:23   标签center  normal  color  style 

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To be focused or to be versatile, this is a question. Many a man says that versatility is the culprit that stifles the chance to be great in a certain field. Why cannot we, however, be great and meantime be versatile? Leonardo da Vinci, probably the greatest artist and scientist the history has ever seen, proves to us through his great achievements both in arts and science that versatility does not contradict greatness. I believe, being versatile, to a large extent, will dredge the canal to the greatness.

To some degree, a wide range of knowledge helps to deepen your understanding in a specific field. The aircraft, a magnificent invention indeed, cannot be contrived if the inventors did not have both biological keenness and engineering preciseness. Being a bird lover, in this scenario, definitely did enormous contribution to the design of the aircraft prototype. Therefore, it is often the case that some exposure to other fields of knowledge will assist one in better understanding the subject in question, if not further makes you great.

Besides, a versatile man can constantly draw refreshment from other meaningful activities, which at least distinguishes him from the mediocre who either wastes time in a lifeless subject or squanders time in doing nothing at all. For example, I often get bored when I read books for a long time; and I usually take up my flute and play a sweet tune or two. Then I would feel considerably refreshed physically and spiritually. When I take up my deserted book again, I find every sentence radiates wisdom and philosophy. Obviously versatility provides one with a way to make the most of the time and therefore prepares one for greatness.

Versatility and greatness, as far as I am concerned, does not contradict; man can be great as well as being versatile as long as he aspires. Versatile lends man a keen understanding and saves man time that might be wasted in useless persistence. It is safe to say that to be versatile, you are a step nearer to being great!


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  • Phil-Soph 2013-12-29 14:55
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 17:47
    Phil-Soph: 这………………作文么
  • aoxuelin 2013-12-29 17:59
    Your English is great! I wonder if it is impertinent of me to humbly suggest that the phrase "physically and spiritually " be modified as "Physically and mentally".
  • 加菲猫波波 2013-12-29 18:03
    aoxuelin: Your English is great! I wonder if it is impertinent for me to humbly suggest that the phrase "physically and spiritually " can be modified
    impertinent 太文了,suggest 后面需要虚拟 (should)do
  • aoxuelin 2013-12-29 18:05
    加菲猫波波: impertinent 太文了,suggest 后面需要虚拟 (should)do
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 18:07
    aoxuelin: Your English is great! I wonder if it is impertinent for me to humbly suggest that the phrase "physically and spiritually " be modified as
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 18:07
    加菲猫波波: impertinent 太文了,suggest 后面需要虚拟 (should)do
  • 加菲猫波波 2013-12-29 18:09
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 18:13
    加菲猫波波: 93年的孩子写成这样实属不易
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 18:19
    aoxuelin: 那我改一下
    噢噢,顺便说说,it is impertinent of me
  • aoxuelin 2013-12-29 18:23
    小孩子: 噢噢,顺便说说,it is impertinent of me
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 18:26
    aoxuelin: ,是的,谢谢指点。
  • 加菲猫波波 2013-12-29 18:44
    小孩子: 看样子是前辈喽。。
    1逻辑清楚,2用词准确多样3 概括和细节搭配4,句型多样5 修辞得当。
    你各方面都做得不错,尤其修辞,但是有十几个地方小错,比如最后一段,那个contradict是个及物动词,应该是contradict each other.stifle the chance不如hurt the chance,等等。另外英语essay的最高境界是音韵节奏美,你的第一段做得很好,后面几段就差很多
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 18:55
    加菲猫波波: 你既然叫我前辈,那我就评论下。英语essay的五个标准
    1逻辑清楚,2用词准确多样3 概括和细节搭配4,句型多?
    弱弱说一句,contradict 有不及物动词的用法,意思是:反驳;否认;发生矛盾;太有深度啦,任重而道远唉
  • 加菲猫波波 2013-12-29 18:59
    小孩子: 弱弱说一句,contradict 有不及物动词的用法,意思是:反驳;否认;发生矛盾;太有深度啦,任重而道远唉
    查了下merriam webster 没有及物用法
  • 加菲猫波波 2013-12-29 19:01
    小孩子: 弱弱说一句,contradict 有不及物动词的用法,意思是:反驳;否认;发生矛盾;太有深度啦,任重而道远唉
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 19:06
    金山词霸都可以查到我就不舍近求远了。况且语法是descriptive 不是prescriptive, 有人这么用就应该收录入字典。我发誓,我见过这种不及物用法,也绝对是地道的外刊
  • 加菲猫波波 2013-12-29 19:09
    小孩子: 金山词霸都可以查到我就不舍近求远了。况且语法是descriptive 不是prescriptive, 有人这么用就应该收录入字典。我发誓,我见过这种不及物用法,也绝对是地道的外
    不好意思,我是按照academic writing的要求来说的,那就不讨论这个了
    no offense
  • 小孩子 2013-12-29 19:11
    加菲猫波波: 不好意思,我是按照academic writing的要求来说的,那就不讨论这个了
    no offense
    i am, believe me, not offended in the least.
  • Syntax 2013-12-30 10:22
    辞藻好华丽,自从我进了grad school后就再也不care辞藻了...

    一看LZ就知道是下了很多功夫的,lexical resources很丰富,但是有的地方用的有点过了,有点desperate的感觉。

    我觉得你不需要再提高你的用词和搭配了。争取加强下自己的argument,substance > Rhetorics,这样的话就比较完美了。
  • Syntax 2013-12-30 10:24
  • 小风车手里刀 2013-12-30 10:33
  • super777 2013-12-30 10:49
    斗胆谏言一下,同意Syntax的说法,其实词汇丰富是好事,如果文章作者往British English发展,空间蛮大,但是如果往American English... 可能过了点... Especially when you talk like this in the States, people will think, WTF... hehe... Nevertheless, to expand your vocabulary...It's a good trait...Keep it up... keep it simple... if you really like Rhetorics yet entertaining, I recommend you to watch "Suits"... Way to Go Bro! You can make it...!
  • 小孩子 2013-12-30 10:54
    Syntax: 此外,descriptive/prescriptive的distinction是你从哪里知道的
    现代语言学教程,胡壮麟,北京大学出版社。 其实我也没有故意堆砌辞藻,可能是比较喜欢十九世纪英国小说看,写出来有点造作。这谢喽
  • 小孩子 2013-12-30 10:55
    小风车手里刀: 是在练GER写作吗?感觉语法堆砌的痕迹稍重。语句虽然华丽但是少了几分流畅。
  • 小风车手里刀 2013-12-30 10:57
    小孩子: 嘿嘿,慢慢改
    多看多听多读就知道美国人到底怎么说话写作了 哈哈
  • 小孩子 2013-12-30 10:59
    super777: 斗胆谏言一下,同意Syntax的说法,其实词汇丰富是好事,如果文章作者往British English发展,空间蛮大,但是如果??
  • super777 2013-12-30 11:17
    小孩子: 谢谢哈,你的鼓励好温暖噢
    你其实蛮值得嘉奖的,我们都是学英语从陌生到熟悉有过一段过程...慢慢来,多听听,多看看,把英文语感给练出来,这样写的东西就会流畅,不至于生硬。当然也要所写文章由心而发,这样才能打动读者之心...If you have time, you can download an app " Stitcher" to your iphone or android gadget. There are a lot of great TV shows in radio format, like "60 minutes", "Meet the press"... Just always give yourself the confidence and right attitude... Definitely you can be "The One"...
  • 小孩子 2013-12-30 11:22
    super777: 你其实蛮值得嘉奖的,我们都是学英语从陌生到熟悉有过一段过程...慢慢来,多听听,多看看,把英文语感给练出
    嗯嗯知道啦,keep angry...
  • Syntax 2013-12-30 12:32
    小孩子: 现代语言学教程,胡壮麟,北京大学出版社。其实我也没有故意堆砌辞藻,可能是比较喜欢十九世纪英国小说看,写出来有点造作。这谢喽
    I see. 你是学语言专业的么?
