
静止的小河的主页 » TA的所有日志
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    谷歌“印第安人大屠杀” 第一条结果是百度百科的,这个算国内网站先不看。 第二条是维基百科的,自由民主的百科啊,美利坚的百科,真正的百科。 点开一看只记载了 1500–1830年的屠杀列表 总结一下: 从1511年两种族首次接触到1890年西扩终止这段时间内、今日美国本土所有有记录的欧印暴力冲突,并确认了7193人死于白人
  • 8 Signs You're in a Relationship with a Sexual Narcissist Sexual narcissism can be defined as a grandiose sense of one ’ s sexual prowess which, in the mind of the sexual narcissist, entitles him or her to engage in acts of emotional and physical manipulation at the partner ’ s expense. Sig
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    Use google.com instead of google.com.hk After google moved their service from china mainland to hongkong, I can't access google.com or google.cn from mainland anymore. I always get redirected to google.com.hk. Based off my experience with google.com.hk, it shows more noise info