26已有 4535 次阅读  2014-06-24 07:51

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Oral Sex and HIV Risk

Oral sex involves giving or receiving oral stimulation (i.e., sucking or licking) to the penis (fellatio), the vagina (cunnilingus), or the anus (anilingus). HIV can be transmitted during any of these activities, but the risk is much less than that from anal or vaginal sex. Receiving  fellatio, giving or receiving cunnilingus, and giving or receiving anilingus carry little to no risk. The highest oral sex risk is to individuals performing fellatio on an HIV-infected man, with ejaculation in the mouth.1,2

Risk of HIV

Even though oral sex carries a lower risk of HIV transmission than other sexual activities, the risk is not zero. It is difficult to measure the exact risk because people who practice oral sex may also practice other forms of sex during the same encounter. When transmission occurs, it may be the result of oral sex or other, riskier sexual activities, such as anal or vaginal sex.

If the person receiving oral sex has HIV, their blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, or vaginal fluid may contain the virus. If the person performing oral sex has HIV, blood from their mouth may enter the body of the person receiving oral sex through the lining of the urethra (the opening at the tip of the penis), vagina, cervix, or anus, or through cuts and sores.

Several factors may increase the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex, including oral ulcers, bleeding gums, genital sores, and the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Risk of Other Infections

In addition to HIV, other organisms can be transmitted through oral sex with an infected partner, leading to herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts (human papillomavirus, or HPV), intestinal parasites (amebiasis), or hepatitis A or B infection.

Reducing the Risk

The following things can reduce the risk of getting HIV through oral sex:

  • If giving oral sex, avoid having your partner ejaculate in your mouth.
  • Use barriers, such as condoms, natural rubber latex sheets, dental dams, or cut-open nonlubricated condoms between your mouth and your partner’s genitals or rectum.

The risk of getting HIV from oral sex is lower if you are already taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) consistently and correctly or if your partner is living with HIV and is taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) consistently and correctly. PrEP is a drug (Truvada) that can be prescribed to people at substantial risk of HIV to prevent infection. ART is a combination of drugs to treat HIV in people who already have HIV.

Keep in mind that barrier methods are the only way to protect against some STDs, including gonorrhea of the throat. Although the chance of getting or transmitting HIV from rimming (mouth to rectum) is small, there is a greater chance of transmitting hepatitis A and B, parasites, and other bacteria to the partner who is doing the rimming. There are effective vaccines that protect against hepatitis A and B and the human papillomavirus infections (HPV).

For information on reducing the risk of HIV infection from anal or vaginal sex or for information on PrEP, please visit the HIV Basics section.


  1. Smith DK, Grohskopf LA, Black RJ, et al. Antiretroviral postexposure prophylaxis after sexual, injection-drug use, or other nonoccupational exposure to HIV in the United States: recommendations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. MMWR2005;54(RR-2):7.
  2. AIDS.gov. Reducing your sexual riskExternal Web Site Icon. Accessed May 24, 2012.
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评论 (44 个评论) 发表评论

  • cider 2014-06-24 07:53
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 07:53
    cider: 看不懂~
  • cider 2014-06-24 07:56
    六斋小熊: 我也是啊……摔!
  • 回眸 2014-06-24 08:01
    the lining of the urethra (the opening at the tip of the penis)
  • 凌海 2014-06-24 08:07
  • 龙少爷 2014-06-24 08:08
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 08:25
    回眸: the lining of the urethra (the opening at the tip of the penis)
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 08:25
    龙少爷: 看懂第一句就好了嘛,风险低,但不是木有~
  • 326783984 2014-06-24 08:26
    也不是完全不懂 就是有篇什么硕士写的文章 好像和这个差不多 是中文的哦
  • 回眸 2014-06-24 08:31
    六斋小熊: 啥?
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 08:55
    326783984: 也不是完全不懂 就是有篇什么硕士写的文章 好像和这个差不多 是中文的哦
  • 一碗黄凉粉 2014-06-24 09:17
    只看了口交那一段,大致意思是口交传播HIV几率很低,但并不等于零。 其实很难衡量出具体的风险,因为当一个人进行口交性行为的同时也可能进行了其他的性行为。如果这个人被传染HIV,可能是口交导致,也可能是其他行为(比如10)导致。



  • 迷惘的执著 2014-06-24 09:38
    一碗黄凉粉: 只看了口交那一段,大致意思是口交传播HIV几率很低,但并不等于零。 其实很难衡量出具体的风险,因为当一个人进行口交性行为的同时也可能进行了其他的性行为。如
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 10:32
    一碗黄凉粉: 只看了口交那一段,大致意思是口交传播HIV几率很低,但并不等于零。 其实很难衡量出具体的风险,因为当一个人进行口交性行为的同时也可能进行了其他的性行为。如
  • 生涯 2014-06-24 11:09
    The highest oral sex risk is to individuals performing fellatio on an HIV-infected man, with ejaculation in the mouth. 天,这画面简直不敢想像。

    The risk of getting HIV from oral sex is lower if you are already taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) consistently and correctly or if your partner is living with HIV and is taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) consistently and correctly. PrEP is a drug (Truvada) that can be prescribed to people at substantial risk of HIV to prevent infection. ART is a combination of drugs to treat HIV in people who already have HIV.  好震惊,我以前的认知是只要是和病毒携带者发生关系就一定会染病,这篇文章告诉我们对于那些坚持且正确地服用反逆转录药物的感染者,和他们发生关系会降低感染风险。。。
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 11:37
    生涯: The highest oral sex risk is to individuals performing fellatio on an HIV-infected man, with ejaculation in the mouth. 天,这画面简直不敢想
  • 消逝时光 2014-06-24 13:00
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 13:17
    消逝时光: 好吧,这上面的知识我全部都学过,所以遇到生词也知道是指什么。
  • 小芦荟 2014-06-24 14:28
  • 小芦荟 2014-06-24 14:28
    六斋小熊: 大神!!快来帮我翻译一下!!
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 14:34
    小芦荟: 我翻译了~~~~
  • 小芦荟 2014-06-24 14:35
    六斋小熊: 翻译到哪去了??给个链接啊!!
  • 西西弗的局外人 2014-06-24 14:37
    一碗黄凉粉: 只看了口交那一段,大致意思是口交传播HIV几率很低,但并不等于零。 其实很难衡量出具体的风险,因为当一个人进行口交性行为的同时也可能进行了其他的性行为。如
  • 一碗黄凉粉 2014-06-24 15:41
    西西弗的局外人: 都是理论上的,实际案例呢。。。
  • 西西弗的局外人 2014-06-24 15:44
    一碗黄凉粉: 实际案例没看到…
  • 一碗黄凉粉 2014-06-24 15:45
    六斋小熊: 谢谢翻译啦~~我再去找找别的。我记得我在果壳上看到的一个文章上面写道英国的一个啥机构(我忘了)说口交的
    不客气,看回复貌似已经有人全文翻译了,你贴个传送门在日志中方便大家过去看呗. 话说以前看到过通过过往性行为测算HIV感染概率的公式和网页,有兴趣可以搜一下(关键词试试HIV概率计算,手机上的飞赞不方便给传送门). 这概率计算个人认为可以做一个参考,但不可尽信
  • 六斋小熊 2014-06-24 15:46
    一碗黄凉粉: 不客气,看回复貌似已经有人全文翻译了,你贴个传送门在日志中方便大家过去看呗. 话说以前看到过通过过往性
  • 一碗黄凉粉 2014-06-24 15:58
    西西弗的局外人: 。。。昨天晚上那人说要给我们发案例,可是说好的案例呢?嘤嘤嘤,不开森。
    不是我说的要发案例吧……昨天晚上看到另外一篇日志,作者叫…美丽的猫?美丽的大猫? 不清楚了……我在他的日志回复中提到了一个链接,那是一个所谓的案例,但是从描述来看,感觉真实性有待确认.…
  • 西西弗的局外人 2014-06-24 15:59
    一碗黄凉粉: 不是我说的要发案例吧……昨天晚上看到另外一篇日志,作者叫…美丽的猫?美丽的大猫? 不清楚了……我在他的日志回复中提到了一个链接,那是一个所谓的案例,但
  • 海阔天空Sunny 2014-06-24 16:02
