To Those Who Are About To Die
26已有 584 次阅读  2015-01-22 12:04

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To Those Who Are About To Die


(To those who are about to die and those who are overwhelmed with the thought of suicide)

To those who are about to die,

Who think life has come to its dead-end aisle,

And all the memory was simply passing by.

Who think all left to do is to cry,

And into the ocean they rather dive.

Who think they could mask the pain with the misty eyes,

And are just too tired to fight.

Who think life was only this way for lack of guide,

And also regret they never sieved any chance to get really high.

Who think all suffering was miserable with hitting ice,

And all ecstasy was gone under the huge jack.

Who think they have been groping their way like a lost kite,

And down in a forgiving shelter they have been craving for to just lie.

To those who are about to die,

What hide in the outlet of dead-end aisle is the gold mine,

And all the memory of life is like twinkling little stars in the night.

What contain in tears is truly the fine wine from a oenophile,

And the infinite ocean is actually a tasty blue pie.

Wha tis unnecessary to do is to shed tears in the quiet,

And just fight for someone you love and something right.

What leads to where you are is your perspicacious eye sight,

And just remember happiness comes when you try.

What suffering and misery fear is the love and friendship you unite,

And with those you don’t need no worry of jack and vice.

To those who are about to die,

A lost kite can always find a haven where it can live a beautiful life.

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  • ianson 2015-01-22 18:30
    nice words
  • hoshi010185 2015-01-22 19:30
    To those who are about to die and those who are overwhelmed with the thought of suicide... Suicide has always been a though of a depressed person, a thought that eats him until he surrenders himself and his entire soul before death. Death is not always an escaping mechanism nor the ultimate solution to someone's problem. Death brings forth many problems so thinking before doing it must be thought carefully. Who doesn't have any problems? I? Of course not...Everyone has and that's a nature of life which teaches us how to be strong and wise. Therefore, you should not bow down to this cancer which kills people's dreams and hopes. If you're in pain, make the pain part of your system; transform this into motivation; set this as your primary goal; and above all make this as your life-teaching lesson. You don't need to die to forget your problems, instead you MUST live with and face them courageously. Problems, sufferings, and pains are ubiquitous and sometimes both avoidable and unavoidable. Life gives you choices and these are to live or to die, if you die... It's the end of your story and your soul won't find its path to tranquility, serendipity and serenity, and if you live then the journey lives on. A wrong thing will never be corrected by another mistake. Live life to the fullest.
