An unnoticed couple in Chekhov's story
1已有 553 次阅读  2015-04-11 20:24   标签gay  Easter  Chekhov 

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The older I am, the more I love Chekhov.

Long before the works by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volkhonsky, Mrs. Constance Garnett's contribution to Russian writers has inspired me a lot. Although the new translated received hot welcome and high acclamation, the atmosphere Mrs.Garnett created is still able to capture me.

In 1886, Chekhov composed <Easter Night> (R.P. and L.V.'s version). This piece came out just after Alexei Suvorin's letter to Anton. Not until I read a letter replied to Suvorin, Anton wrote:
I do infinitely love people like Przhevalsky......In fact, N.M.Przhevalsky was an explore out of boredom (Anton's words).

It seems I found something interesting. Inside of Anton, there might be a gay spirit. Turn to the hero in the story, Nikolai, a monk. Actually, Nikolai was portrayed by his brother, Ieronym. In Ieronym's narrative:

I used to come to him on the quiet, so that the others wouldn't see, and he (Nikolai) was glad I was interested (in akathists). He embraced me, stroked my head, called me tender words as if I were a little child. He would closed the door, sit me down next to him, and start reading....

Followed this, Ieronym continued:

In our monastery the people are all good, kind, pious, but... there's no softness and delicacy in any of them, they're all like low-class people. They talk loudly, stamp their feet when they walk,make noise, cough, but Nikolai always spoke quietly, gently, and if he noticed that anyone was asleep or praying, he would pass by like a gnat or a mosquito. His face as tender, pitiful...

I do not believe that all the sensitive writers are gay oriented, however, it would make things easy if one is. I am fine even in trouble, but others worry me a lot.
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