今天看到经济学人一篇关于GAY COUPLE抚养孩子的问题,在此分享一下
7已有 833 次阅读  2014-08-04 20:32

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  今天浏览economist,看到头条上有一篇关于“How same-sex couples have children” 的文章,感觉可以在这里科普一下。先贴一下原文(后面粗略翻译一下):

BANS on same-sex marriage or civil unions are toppling across the Western world. And growing numbers of gay and lesbian couples are doing what typical married couples do: settling down and starting a family. Some adopt while others have their own biological children. How do they do the latter?


Lesbian couples use medically assisted insemination. The sperm donor is usually anonymous and picked from a sperm bank. Some turn to a friend; others to a brother or a male cousin to have a baby genetically related to both women. Some use in vitro fertilisation: one woman may contribute the egg while the other carries the pregnancy. Gay men use surrogacy, which comes in two forms. In traditional surrogacy the woman who carries the baby to term is also the genetic mother. Gestational surrogacy uses an egg from a donor, rather than the surrogate. Most couples prefer this as the surrogate is less likely to want or indeed be able to keep a newborn not genetically related to her. Gay couples often leave the baby’s genetic fatherhood up to chance by mixing their sperm, though some combine an egg from one man’s sister and the other man’s sperm for a baby genetically related to both men.

(女同志采取医疗辅助受精的方法:精子通常从精子库中选取,来源匿名;或者寻求朋友帮助;或者寻求兄弟的帮忙,这样孩子跟双方都会有血缘关系;或者采用体外人工受精的方法,一方提供卵子,一方负责怀孕。男同志采用代孕的办法,最普通的代孕是指代孕者也是孩子的生母,还有一种代孕是卵子来自捐献者,大多数GAY COUPLE选择后者,因为这样代孕者不大会设法留下跟她没有血缘关系的孩子,GAY COUPLE常常会将他们的精子混在一起,这样他们谁可以当爸爸就成了一个随机事件,当然也可以用一方姐妹的卵子,加上另一方的精子,这样孩子跟双方都有血缘关系。)

But what is involved in such reproduction is often illegal or tricky to get hold of. Many countries deny lesbians medical baby-making help, with such assistance reserved for those who are in a heterosexual marriage instead. Surrogacy for gays is legal in only a handful of places. Even where it is allowed, surrogacy is often very expensive or requires spending years on a waiting list. Some couples go abroad: the rich to America, where the baby-tab can be over $120,000. Poorer people go to places like Thailand and Mexico. In such cross-border cases, getting identity documents for the baby issued by the parents’ country can be tricky. As a result, some newborns have got stuck as citizens of nowhere.


Even once all these hurdles have been cleared, homosexual couples may still not attain joint parental rights. In several places, including Britain, Scandinavia and parts of America, when a baby is born into a same-sex couple the other partner is automatically recognised as a co-parent. And in around 20 countries a partner can adopt the child as a step-parent. But anywhere else, gays and lesbians with youngsters navigate child-rearing with only half the rights of their heterosexual neighbours. 


- See more at: http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/08/economist-explains-0#sthash.VcCI3fUU.dpuf

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评论 (9 个评论) 发表评论

  • bdbdbd 2014-08-04 23:45
  • like_s_ 2014-08-05 10:55
  • lovejohnpaul 2014-08-05 19:37
    bdbdbd: 羡慕一下
  • lovejohnpaul 2014-08-05 19:37
    like_s_: 赞学霸
    完全不是学霸= =
  • bdbdbd 2014-08-05 19:54
    lovejohnpaul: 羡慕啥?俺连对象都木有,这里只是科普一下哈
  • lovejohnpaul 2014-08-05 20:00
    bdbdbd: 羡慕国外有很多方式可以得偿所愿啊,你别急,总会来的

    唉,怎么能不急呢,随缘或者顺其自然  那是异性恋负担得起的说辞,不急很快就30 了
  • bdbdbd 2014-08-05 20:37
    lovejohnpaul: 其实主要也就西欧北欧部分国家。

    唉,怎么能不急呢,随缘或者顺其自然  那是异性恋负担得??
  • warkson 2017-03-11 22:20
  • lovejohnpaul 2017-03-12 15:37
    warkson: 这篇文章很好,解决了我一直想了解的话题,不知道还能否找到链接?文尾的链接貌似失效了
