1已有 458 次阅读  2015-04-18 20:29

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     除了无奈我觉得没有别的词更能表达我当时的状态和情绪,擦,这种老套的戏码居然真的会发生!我穿上衣服下楼,看见他在小区的健身器材那里坐着,他看见我起身说:我知道你会下来!我说:哥 别玩了行么,我们真的不合适,当哥们挺好你咋就非要迈出那一步!你回去吧,人你也看见了!我转身要走,他拽住我把我抱怀里,然后说了句:我也不知道怎么了!就走了…
      他说:哎呀没谁就我 我对象 老谢
      我听了舒了一口气:奥 那个……东哥呢
      他说:奥 他好像说有事儿 
      他笑了一下说:恩,本来有事儿的,后来推了嘿嘿 咋的现在都不愿意见我么
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  • zeeb2001 2015-04-21 09:09
    There is no turning back.  If he really is gay, or even being gay just for you, it would not be as simple as telling him to go back to being straight so that he would magically turn off his feelings for you as if shutting down a faucet.  Needless to say, you yourself probably also know that falling in love with someone, or anyone, is totally out of the control of the human will.  It bursts out like an avalanche, insurmountable and unstoppable.

    If you truly value him as a friend, and do not want to lose him as a friend, you could try to reach out to him and tell him, in person, with unambiguous terms that you just want to be good friends but no more, at least not at this time.  Try not to mention anything like asking him to fall in love with a girl instead - he is a grown-up, he knows what he is getting into.  I know it's kind of uncomfortable and even suffocating at the receiving end of too much unwanted feelings, but as a good friend to you, he hasn't done anything to deserve the total avoidance as it seems, again, provided that you do value him as a friend; consequently a more diplomatic way to deal with your friend would be to sit down with him and reiterate the fact that you value the friendship between the two of you but do not want to go any further, at the moment.

    In other words, put yourself in his shoes: do you wish a friend that you have developed feelings for to shun you like you are a plague, after your declaration of fondness?  Or have him tell you that you should go out with a girl instead?

    Obviously, though, it's not your fault that he fell for you, nor is it his fault.  But it would be utterly impractical to wish him or tell him to be straight.  Maybe he never was.  Treat him gently, with mercy and compassion.  Hang out with him just like you did before, but always with a group of friends.  You might need to have the same talk with him again and again before it finally sinks in for him that you are not interested in courtship.  

    Again, all this assumes that you do indeed want to preserve the friendship and therefore it is worth investing the time and energy of this whole process of you letting him down gently.  Otherwise, if losing a him as a friend does not bother you a bit, you should just cut him out of your life - he will wake up to it one day and get the message.
  • 张小小样 2015-04-22 08:43
    zeeb2001: There is no turning back.  If he really is gay, or even being gay just for you, it would not be as simple as telling him to go back to being straight
    你英文太棒了 翻译好久呢 谢谢 亲 我知道了 我不会去逃避了
  • zeeb2001 2015-04-22 09:50
    张小小样: 你英文太棒了 翻译好久呢 谢谢 亲 我知道了 我不会去逃避了
    Deep down, you know what to do all along yourself.  
  • 张小小样 2015-04-22 21:53
    zeeb2001: Deep down, you know what to do all along yourself.  
    嗯 我会跟着心走的
