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1983夏天,Elio和Oliver相遇,Elio 17岁,Oliver 24岁。 不断地试探,挣扎,终相爱。短短恋爱时光后便彼此道别,到此时,他们遇见只有六周。冬天圣诞节前夕,Oliver到访,却告诉Elio,他马上要结婚了。 



四年后,Elio去美国大学找当了老师的Oliver,Elio32,Oliver39 ,两人相隔十五年再次相见。

2003年,二十年后,Elio父亲去世,Oliver来看他。 Elio 一直没有结婚。小说中的最后一次相见。

Call me by your name(请以你的名字呼唤我),今年最好的一部LGBT电影,也是今年最好的爱情片。和墨利斯的情人,断背山,卡罗尔一样,是我心中最珍贵的LGBT电影。这四部电影OST中有几首一直保存在我的网易云音乐里。 



没看过电影,肯定会觉得这个片名有点难解。在他们热恋的那段时间,他们会交换彼此的名字,用对方的名字称呼对方。 “Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine.”关于这个名字的意义,导演的回答是:“ I think in love, when you call the other by your name, that means complete surrender.” 

影片结束前,父亲的话可以作为电影的主题: You had a beautiful friendship. Maybe more than a friendship. And I envy you. In my place, most parents would hope the whole thing goes away, or pray that their sons land on their feet soon enough. But I am not such a parent. In your place, if there is pain, nurse it, and if there is a flame, don’t snuff it out, don’t be brutal with it. Withdrawal can be a terrible thing when it keeps us awake at night, and watching others forget us sooner than we’d want to be forgotten is no better. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything—what a waste!” 你们的友谊是美好的。也许超越了友谊。我羡慕你。就我看来,大多数家长会希望此事就此了结,或者祈求他们的孩子能快点振作起来。而我不是这样的家长。现在的你,会去抚平伤痛,但如心中依旧存留火花,不要残忍的掐灭它。逃避不会让我们睡的安心。但相比之下,看到对方比预想的先忘记自己会更加糟糕。我们对自己如此摧残,只为让伤口更快愈合,以至于不到三十岁的我们就已经遍体鳞伤。每次开始一段新的感情,能付出的情感会剩的越来越少。为了避免再次受伤,而故作麻痹,这多可惜啊。 “But remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once. Most of us can’t help but live as though we’ve got two lives to live, one is the mockup, the other the finished version, and then there are all those versions in between. But there’s only one, and before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it.”但记住,我们的心和身体只被给予这一次,而在你知道前,你的心会疲惫,而你的身体...总有一天没有人会愿意多看一眼,更不要说贴近它。现在...你可能会感到难过,痛苦。别让它消失,更别说那些拥有过的快了。 


电影插曲1:Mystery Love:


Oh, to see without my eyes
闭上双眼 仍能清晰回忆起彼时
The first time that you kissed me
最初 那吻印下的时刻
Boundless by the time I cried
如今我的泪 却旖旎不至尽头
I built your walls around me
我把你的高墙围筑 在我四周
White noise, what an awful sound
白色噪音耳边充斥 多么聒噪
Fumbling by Rogue River
罗格河沿路 我们支吾无言
Feel my feet above the ground
我的双脚 还在这地面伫立
Hand of God, deliver me
上帝之手 能否救我于水火
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me
The first time that you touched me
还沉湎 在那第一次彼此抚摸的瞬间
Oh, will wonders ever cease?
爱的渴望 会否终有一日消逝
Blessed be the mystery of love
所幸 还有爱的奥秘永留心间

Lord, I no longer believe
吾主 我再也不愿相信
Drowned in living waters
就让我溺亡 于那生命之泉(出典于John chapter 4)
Cursed by the love that I received
From my brother's daughter
被布下无数诅咒(在前曲Should Have Known Better中提及了这一段感情 Sufjan认为这段感情成为了他痛苦的来源 同时也如同诅咒一般萦绕着他)
Like Hephaestion, who died
Alexander's lover
Now my riverbed has dried
如今我的河床 已然干涸
Shall I find no other?
此后 是否再找不到如你一般的人
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me
I'm running like a plover
只剩得 水鸟般的奔跑翩跹
Now I'm prone to misery
现在 我开始困惑不解
The birthmark on your shoulder reminds me
你肩上的胎记 还次次提醒着我

How much sorrow can I take?
还有多少悲伤 我能够承受
Blackbird on my shoulder
黑鸟 落在我的肩上
And what difference does it make
这段情愫 到底有何不同不妥
When this love is over?
这场爱情 究竟何时已无疾而终
Shall I sleep within your bed
我还能 与你安眠于一张床榻上吗
River of unhappiness
Hold your hands upon my head
把你的手 抚向我的额头
Till I breathe my last breath
直到我的最后一次呼吸 尘埃落定
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me
The last time that you touched me
还沉湎 在那最后一次抚摸的瞬间
Oh, will wonders ever cease?
爱的渴望 会否终有一日消逝
Blessed be the mystery of love
所幸 还有爱的奥秘永留心间
电影插曲2:Visions of Gideon


I have loved you for the last time
Is it a video? Is it a video?
难道这爱只是一场虚幻 只是一场视频游戏
I have touched you for the last time
Is it a video? Is it a video?
是否只是虚幻 是否只是游戏
For the love, the laughter I feel up to your arms
为了这曾经爱的温存 我曾自你臂膀攫取的欢笑
Is it a video? Is it a video?
难道这爱只是一场虚幻 只是一场视频游戏
For the love, the laughter I feel up to your arms
为了这曾经爱的温存 我曾自你臂膀攫取的欢笑
Is it a video? Is it a video?
是否只是虚幻 是否只是游戏
Is it a video?

I have loved you for the last time
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
或许也只是基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象(Gideon是圣经中的人物 此处隐喻了Elio和Oliver 同时Gideon在俚语中也有 使人欢笑的男子/情人的意思)
I have kissed you for the last time
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象

For the love, the laughter I feel up to your arms
为了这曾经爱的温存 我曾自你臂膀攫取的欢笑
Is it a video? Is it a video?
难道这爱只是一场虚幻 只是一场视频游戏
For the love, the laughter I feel up to your arms
为了这曾经爱的温存 我曾自你臂膀攫取的欢笑
Is it a video? Is it a video?
是否只是游戏 是否只是虚幻
For the love, the laughter I feel up to your arms
为了这曾经爱的温存 我曾自你臂膀攫取的欢笑
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象
For the love, the laughter I feel up to your arms
为了这曾经爱的温存 我曾自你臂膀攫取的欢笑
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象 
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象
(Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon)
基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象 基甸的幻象

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