3已有 1091 次阅读  2014-08-16 23:08

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根据英国基督教关怀(Christian Concern)在本年五月三十日发布的消息,英国皇家精神病医学院(Royal College of Psychiatrists)就同性相吸的成因及性质改变立场,这是一项值得高度关注的发展。


于最新的声明,皇家精神病医学院表示「性倾向是来自先天及后天环境因素的综合影响」,并继称,「性倾向并非不可逆转,于一生之中也可能出现不同程度的变化。」这与他们之前的立场有重大改变,旧有立场仍见于皇家精神病医学院网页。 (如:「并无充份证据支持家长的性质或早期儿童的经历对基本的异性或同性性倾向有任何影响。」)





很多人将同性恋呈现为快乐健康的生活方式。但研究显示,同性性行为对生理及精神健康造成严重影响。一个研究发现,平常以同性方式生活,缩减寿命达二十。 Nathaniel S. Lehrman, MD Homosexuality: Some Neglected Considerations, Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 10 Number 3.http://www.jpands.org/vol10no3/lehrman.pdf



另一个研究发现,同样是廿一岁,同性恋者出现重大抑郁及行为失常的风险增加四倍,烟瘾风险增加五倍,其他误用或成瘾风险增加两倍,企图自杀增加六倍。 Fergusson DM et al. Is sexual orientation related to mental health problems and suicidality in young people? Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999; 56: 876-80

迪尔拜德博士的研究发现,同性性行为导致「缩短寿命、自杀、滥用药物及酒精、抑郁及家庭暴力」。 Dr A. Dean Byrd, The Family in the Third Millennium: A Compendium of Scholarship and Opinion Supporting Family as the Fundamental Unit of Society,14 2005http://www.narth.com/docs/needboth.html


根据英国卫生防护局记录,于英国,男同性恋者仍然是感染人类免疫缺乏病毒(爱滋病)最高的组别,而仅于这组别诊断的新症于过去十年已增加七成。 http://www.hpa.org.uk/webw/HPAweb&HPAwebStandard/HPAweb_C/1296683749074

同性性行为证实对参与者有潜在破坏,然而若同性婚姻引入,则很可能导致更多同性性行为。于全球大量的研究发现,于认同同性性行为的社会,同性性行为有所增加。 「于瑞士、芬兰、丹麦及美国的大量研究显示,同性恋主要是受环境引发。特别是社会及/或家庭因素,以及正面确认同性恋的环境,这些环境因素对发展同性恋行为举足轻重。」(Dr​​ Trayce Hansen,“Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Will Increase Prevalence of Homosexuality: Research Provides Significant Evidence”,http://www.drtraycehansen.com/Pages/writings_legalizing.html



陈俊仪翻译的很微妙,且看原文是如何论述的。此外,他列举的来源于Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons的文章及Association of American Physicians and Surgeons这个协会,有兴趣也可以看一看。


Royal College of Psychiatrists'statement on sexual orientation

April 2014

The Royal College of Psychiatrists considers that sexual orientation is determined by a combination of biological and postnatal environmental factors.1–3 There is no evidence to go beyond this and impute any kind of choice into the origins of sexual orientation.

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) concluded there was no scientific evidence that homosexuality was a disorder and removed it from its diagnostic glossary of mental disorders. The International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization followed suit in 1992.

The College holds the view that lesbian, gay and bisexual people are and should be regarded as valued members of society, who have exactly similar rights and responsibilities as all other citizens. This includes equal access to healthcare, the rights and responsibilities involved in a civil partnership/marriage, the rights and responsibilities involved in procreating and bringing up children, freedom to practise a religion as a lay person or religious leader, freedom from harassment or discrimination in any sphere and a right to protection from therapies that are potentially damaging, particularly those that purport to change sexual orientation.

Leading therapy organisations across the world have published statements warning of the ineffectiveness of treatments to change sexual orientation, their potential for harm and their influence in stigmatizing lesbian, gay and bisexual people.4,5

There is now a large body of research evidence that indicates that being gay, lesbian or bisexual is compatible with normal mental health and social adjustment. However, it is eminently reasonable that the experiences of discrimination in society and possible rejection by friends, families and others (such as employers), means that some lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience a greater than expected prevalence of mental health and substance misuse problems. Lifestyle issues may be important in some gay men and lesbians, particularly with respect to higher rates of substance misuse.6–8

It is not the case that sexual orientation is immutable or might not vary to some extent in a person’s life. Nevertheless, sexual orientation for most people seems to be set around a point that is largely heterosexual or homosexual. Bisexual people may have a degree of choice in terms of sexual expression in which they can focus on their heterosexual or homosexual side.

It is also the case that for people who are unhappy about their sexual orientation – whether heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual – there may be grounds for exploring therapeutic options to help them live more comfortably with it, reduce their distress and reach a greater degree of acceptance of their sexual orientation.

The College believes strongly in evidence-based treatment. There is no sound scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed. Systematic reviews carried out by both the APA5 and Serovich et al9 suggest that studies which have shown conversion therapies to be successful are seriously methodologically flawed.

Furthermore, so-called treatments of homosexuality can create a setting in which prejudice and discrimination flourish, and there is evidence that they are potentially harmful.5,10,11 The College considers that the provision of any intervention purporting to ‘treat’ something which is not a disorder is wholly unethical.

The College would not support a therapy for converting people from homosexuality any more than we would do so from heterosexuality. Psychiatrists should be committed to reducing inequalities, not supporting practices that are explicitly based on pathologising homosexuality. As such, the College remains in favour of legislative efforts to ban such conversion therapies.

Good Psychiatric Practice clearly states: ‘A psychiatrist must provide care that does not discriminate and is sensitive to issues of gender, ethnicity, colour, culture, lifestyle, beliefs, sexual orientation, age and disability’ (p. 12).12 The College expects all its members to follow Good Psychiatric Practice.



1. Mustanski BS, Dupree MG, Nievergelt CM, et al (2005) A genomewide scan of male sexual orientation. Human Genetics, 116, 272–278.

2. Blanchard R, Cantor JM, Bogaert AF, et al (2006) Interaction of fraternal birth order and handedness in the development of male homosexuality. Hormones and Behavior, 49, 405–414.

3. Bailey JM, Dunne MP, Martin NG (2000) Genetic and environmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78, 524–536.

4. UK Council for Psychotherapy, British Psychoanalytic Council, Royal College of Psychiatrists, et al (2014) Conversion Therapy: Consensus Statement. UK Council for Psychotherapy.

5. American Psychological Association (2009) Report of the American Psychological Association Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation. APA.

6. Gilman SE, Cochran SD, Mays VM, et al (2001) Risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals reporting same sex sexual partners in the National Comorbidity Survey. American Journal of Public Health, 91, 933–939.

7. King M, McKeown E, Warner J, et al (2003) Mental health and quality of life of gay men and lesbians in England and Wales: controlled, cross-section study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 552–558.

8. Bailey JM (1999) Homosexuality and mental illness. Archives of General Psychiatry, 56, 883–884.

9. Serovich J, Craft S, Toviessi P, et al (2008) A systematic review of the research base on sexual reorientation therapies. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34, 227–238.

10. BBC News (2013) ‘Ex-gay’ group Exodus International shuts down. BBC News, 20 June (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22992714).

11. Harris P (2012) Psychiatrist who championed ‘gay cure’ admits he was wrong. The Observer, 19 May (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/may/19/ psychiatrist-admits-gay-cure-study-fl awed).

12. Royal College of Psychiatrists (2009) Good Psychiatric Practice (3rd edn) (College Report CR154). Royal College of Psychiatrists.

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评论 (11 个评论) 发表评论

  • Roseteeth 2014-08-16 23:31
    中文这个感觉好有导向性 而且和英文申明的观点感觉南辕北辙 并且发现我看社科类的东西已经无力了 中文这个老感觉在黑。。。。。
  • kongkong123 2014-08-16 23:43
    Roseteeth: “很多人将同性恋呈现为快乐健康的生活方式。但研究显示,同性性行为对生理及精神健康造成严重影响。一个研究发现,平常以同性方式生活,缩减寿命达二十。 (Na
  • kongkong123 2014-08-17 00:05
    Physician Name: Nathaniel Lehrman, MD
    License Number: 046420
    License Type: MD
    Year of Birth:
    Effective Date: 08/06/93
    Action: License revocation
    Misconduct Description: The Review Board sustained the Hearing Committee's May 4, 1993 penalty and determination finding the physician guilty of having been convicted of Grand Larceny; Conspiracy and Offering a False Instrument for Filing ;having been found guilty of violating the provisions of New York State Public Health Law Article 33 relating to controlled substances and having been excluded from participation in the New York State Medicaid Program.
  • Roseteeth 2014-08-17 00:05
    kongkong123: 我倒是有原文,是PDF的,不知怎么上传
    哦 不好意思 我一直看着没有刷新......感觉这个项目的变量完全难以控制....生活习惯 人种 生活环境 发生关系的频率次数 太多不可控 而且这些变量我认为对实验结果都会有很大影响.......
    另外他例举的东西有些与英文有矛盾 英文当中并没有明确说明性向受到先天或者是后天的影响哪个大
  • Roseteeth 2014-08-17 00:08
    kongkong123: 这哥们执照已被吊销,哈!
    Physician Name: Nathaniel Lehrman, MD
    License Number: 046420
    License Type: MD
    Year of Birth:
    Effective Date: 08/06/9
  • kongkong123 2014-08-17 00:20
    Roseteeth: 哦 不好意思 我一直看着没有刷新......感觉这个项目的变量完全难以控制....生活习惯 人种 生活环境 发生关系的频率次数 太多不可控 而且这些变量我认为对实验结
  • Roseteeth 2014-08-17 00:25
    kongkong123: 此前几乎所有医学协会的声明均未提及后天因素一词,更不用说那个更重要,这次提出来让反对者感到受到极大鼓舞,认为“在向正确的方向迈进”
  • kongkong123 2014-08-17 00:36
    Roseteeth: 世界总是被一群闲得蛋疼的人搞得一地鸡毛
  • 我生君已老 2014-08-17 01:23
    我觉得所列举同性恋的不良后果,绝大部分因素不是同性恋倾向本身,是因为社会的不包容带来多多少少的压力、过度纵欲、乱性导致的。 如果说一个人不结婚不找伴侣不发生性行为断掉欲望可以多活二十年,那么异性恋们愿意这样做吗?做不到啊,一个道理,同性恋往往也做不到无欲无求。总之,洁身自好,夫夫、夫妻、妇妇都要升华感情,性欲性行为少一些最好。 珍惜生命,珍惜缘分,乐观生活。
  • kongkong123 2014-08-17 02:41
    我生君已老: 我觉得所列举同性恋的不良后果,绝大部分因素不是同性恋倾向本身,是因为社会的不包容带来多多少少的压力、
  • kongkong123 2014-08-17 09:45
    Roseteeth: 中文这个感觉好有导向性 而且和英文申明的观点感觉南辕北辙 并且发现我看社科类的东西已经无力了 中文这个老感觉在黑。。。。。
