To Roy :Only love
7已有 604 次阅读  2014-01-13 17:15   标签before  wrong  color  style 

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I have had the best love before,I didn't treasure you,
I hurt you but I know I was wrong ,
I want to save,
 I stay in love with you,
I'm very confused.
Dying inside cause I can't stand it,Make or break up,
Can't take this madness,
We don't even really know why,
All I know is you.
I want to keep our love alive,
I really need you to give me.
but you 've gone.....
you say you still love me, 
but your heart tells me that you have no nostalgia ,
It's no mistaking,We're just erasing,From our hearts and minds,
Someone to accompany your birthday.
When you travel , when you miss me? I do not know if you wanted to see me.
I am not qualified to ask you to do anything, I have nothing,
And I know we said let go,But I kept on hanging on,
Inside I know it's over,You're really gone ,
It's killing me,Cause there ain't nothing,
That I can do,And I keep on telling myself,That you'll come back around,And I try to front like "all is well",
I know You're really gone

I also understand that I lost all,
I know I have been all self-deception,
Love you the last,Now go I know....

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