10已有 850 次阅读  2014-08-13 17:05

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I would rather be single till I die than staying with a man who doesn't know what he wants, and who he is on this planet.


My man should know his place in this world. He knows his purpose on this planet. He knows what his soul yearns for and strive to get there with persistence, passion and openness.


I want my man to be independent – he should have a creative and decent job which allows himself to be confident, passionate and happy; he should love what he does for a living just like how much I love my job. He does not need to be rich, but he needs to have dignity and a big heart because he would be there with these two qualities.


This man should at least have some compassion. He should have a sense of loyalty and empathy. When I have some really heart-broken moments, for example, he can empathize with them and give me a warm hug or a few tender comforting words. When I could not sleep well at night or was awakened by a nightmare or two, he would not stay silent or apathetic, instead, he would pour me a cup of hot milk or at least holding my hands and allowing me to break down in his arms.


It doesn't really matter if he is that handsome or not. I am not typically good looking myself, but I want him to be gentle, polite and simple. Yes, the world has been so dark and complicated, and for whatever kind of reasons, men are wearing their fake masks more and more frequently. That’s why I want my man to be simple. When he is sad or confused, happy or curious… he would let me know. I would like to do the same to him. We would have that oneness in us.


I want my man to be not that selfish. I know, people are in general selfish and cold today, and I could be included sometimes; still, I am trying hard to be more and more opened with love and compassion. I want this man to open his arms to some of my imperfections – being lazy some times, being cold to those that I am unfamiliar with, and being fickle and long for new excitements once or twice per day.


What can I do for my man?


Well, I would respect him first and foremost. If he did something wrong, forgivable or unforgivable, I would give him some chances to explain and make mistakes. I know too well that just like me, all men need mistakes to grow mature and caring.


He should and can have his own privacy and private space. Any relationship that grows too close would be toxic and problematic. As long as we share precious and quality time together a few times a week or so, I don’t mind that we have our mystical world. After all, even if we spend 24/7 together, we still have separated and independent identities.


I don’t mind cleaning our living room a bit more than you do. I would let you know that love is not about equality. I don’t mind cooking a few times more for you than you do for me. Because I love you, it is fine. I would work hard to support you and our family if I have a better job, but I know you would do the same in a few years.


To be continue… 

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