GAY 都很容易受伤,一年来学会的创伤疗法,与自己和大家分享。
10已有 1227 次阅读  2015-12-30 15:00

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早上起床,先非常悠闲的给自己点了一杯HOT DARK CHOCO 在外面就是27元。然后是昨晚的3人份乌冬,加了一点李锦记,味道相当的不错。其实味精也是很少的。省了至少15元。中午的抹茶拿铁30元,乌冬15元。从上午8点多到下午130 我已经省了87元。而做饭的成本,乌冬3顿量大约20元,一次7元。抹茶,1055,一杯5.5元。巧克力应该是5.5元左右,牛奶4.5元。总共23元。省了足足64元。而且非常的健康和新鲜。




What really makes me happy is that all the therapies that the book introduced is being used by me on a daily basis:


1.   Writing.

Currently, I am writing almost everyday to release my toxic energy. No matter if its sunny or rainy or foggy. I simply don’t care, and would jot down almost everything I am doing or have done whatever if it’s meaningful or not. After doing it for almost 2 years, I have reached so much joy, peace and presence from writing my diary journal and gratitude journal.


2.   Mindfulness Meditation:

Since coming back from Brazil, I have “forced” myself to add meditation into my daily routine and have used it successfully for my fear, pain, resentment and various emotions. I surprisingly and excitingly discover that, my self-made mantras, like “ Surrender,” and “Thank you” as well as “ Forgive” are truly helping me to heal and encounter with life’s  series of tough challenges such as living by myself, being disable, cooking for myself, healing myself, and most difficultly, loving myself. By mediating under sunlight or warm and glowing room light, I can always feel protected, cared and supported.


3.   Drawing

What a lucky kid I am that I learnt to draw at age of 2 or 3 under my father’s guidance. Since my chronic fatigue and muscle atrophy covered me, for so many months, I lost all my courage to touch my pencils, brush and crayons. Still, for those rare moments and times when I was so desperate to communicate with my soul and self-esteem, I would unfold my sketch book, and do a few random and improvised strokes or sketches. OMG, the healing power is tremendous. The moment the tip of my pencil or brushes steps on my sketch pad, I could literally feel that my dry and drain heart valley is being refilled with confidence, energy and most importantly a desire- it is so strong that I want to live continuously to create, love and discover. In one sentence, doodling works perfectly for my spirit and soul to heal.


4.   Visualization

When I literally feel so despaired that I lost my yearning to even get out of my bed, Visualization is the most holy mechanism to drive me reaching for a mug of jasmine tea or simply breathing. The easiest way to do it is to make a picture in my mind- I am being surrounded by eye-blinding light beams, the beams of healing and vibrancy. Although to those who are not used to such mechanism demanding of the full use of our brain’s left hemisphere, it can be hard and tedious at the beginning, over time, it is powerful as a meditation skill. Even when feeling completely trapped, visualizing the grand ocean, the crystal clear blue sky, a majestic mountain or a pristine stream would instantly calm one’s soul down and trigger hope.


5.   Forgiveness

During the whole last year, I kept forgiving myself and my parents and people that I resented and complained about. Not only did I try to forgive them, but I am also learning to send my prayers and compassion to them. Deeply inside of my soul, I know that these people are in my life to teach me precious lessons. This strategy of healing worked sensationally well.



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