3已有 647 次阅读  2016-01-30 23:07

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Every week’s I am A singer is truly inspiring. Coco lee is my favorite singer on the stage. Moreover, I fully admire her for her courage to take risks all the time – picking up songs that no one could handle, and mix different styles such as ballad, rap and dancing into one melody. Her voice is so sexy and infectious, and she can still hit all high notes, like Mariah Carey.


Most importantly, I love her more than all other competitors from this season for one reason: she is being herself! She is not faking, trying to show off or brag about her “Diva” status. In contrast, she is as grounded as any other singer. Furthermore, I can see the spark of passion, and the fire of curiosity in her eyes, from her dancing, and her body languages.


After finishing every episode, I can strongly feel being inspired and lifted up from my darkness. As an educator specialized in teaching English Writing as my career, I must connect with my students by telling authentic and inspiring stories from hundreds of books that I read and am still reading. I don’t want to simply just teach. I want to implant seeds of hope and fire inside of my precious students’ hearts.

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