我对功夫熊猫3 的影评。感动,真实的电影。更重要的是,这部电影是一本灵魂的教科书。
4已有 658 次阅读  2016-02-01 23:15

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In many viewers’ eyes, animated films are only capable of attracting kids’ hearts. Parents usually take their children to watch one by siting in a spacious cinema, playing with their iPhones and let kids get lost in their own world of fantasy and desires, ketch colors and peculiar characters. 2 hours later, they would dispose of their emptied popcorn boxes, and secretly complain about a waste of precious working time.


Kung Fu Panda 3, however, is absolutely a black horse among hundreds of animated films between 2015 and 2016. Three major difference can be shown:


First and most importantly, the IMAX 3D version is simply gorgeous – every scene is a seamless infusion of traditional Chinese Ink Wash Painting and Dream Work block-buster action movie style.

For example, at the beginning of the film, a fierce and intense fight strikes between Kai(天煞) and Master Wu Gui. During the ferocious and death-defying combat, traditional ancient Chinese symbols, like Tai Chi and Chi are perfectly visualized through blindly beautiful light-formed calligraphy and water-ink styled abstract icons( thanks to the ground-breaking CG). Moreover, the movie shows countless Chinese elements effortlessly and harmoniously –the joyous red lanterns hanging everywhere at the Emerald and Panda village, the girl panda Mei Mei’s exotic red-silk-cord dancing, all the Chinese street food from Steamed Bun to chilly noodles. When enjoying the film, for at least 4 times, my eyes wet because of the peaceful and tranquil rustic China surrounded by flying peach flower pedals, billowing spring wind, and lush ever greens created by Dream Work. For the last 2 times, Tears streamed down from my eyes for a sense of release of intense pain and shame that Today’s modern China is a far cry from the movie.


Apart from the astounding visual effects created from Panda 3, which is now ubiquitous among most large-budgeted Hollywood blockbuster movies, what really strikes me is the characters ‘world view and philosophy of life. After going throw two third of the film, I couldn’t help but wondering “ among all audiences siting in the cinema, how many of them ( especially kids) could authentically capture Panda 3’s essence?” This is not a movie for kids! One typical example can be cited from the scenes when PO( the main pander character)is trying to teach all of his panda comrades to fight with KAI, the bull monster who has defeated all Kung Fu masters by collecting their Chi. At the early stage of PO’s intense and impatient training, he tries to teach and cram pure knowledge of KUNG FUN into each of every comrade with very limited time. However, PO fails to connect with his trainees for a simple, yet extremely deep reason – he is ignoring blindingly each individual’s authentic self, their soul! It is not until PO is willing to surrender to his followers’ authentic identity, he is able to acknowledge how perfect they are. They don’t need to change! All what PO’s panda buddies need to do is to fully and uncompromisingly show their big souls!  

Finally, the movie’s essence is more Chinese than any modern Chinese movie that I have and am watching! It teaches the lesson of TAO – taking the grand universe’s message, and don’t even try to play the role of a faked stranger! Don’t fucking fake yourself!
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