2已有 652 次阅读  2016-04-19 11:45

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It is the time again for me to plan my Brazil trip. Last year, When I made my agonizing and resolving decision to visit that mysterious and famous healer, I was devastated by my illness and a broken-heart. I eventually made my trip, received my surgery, took my pill, and experienced the unimaginable. This year, the journey will be more grueling since I will stay for 3 months.


What will I have to encounter:




1. daily meditation up to 6 hours:  I need to go the “current” wearing all whites, and sit still in a hard plastic chair without opening my eyes during the whole session. Except for my surgery day, I should sit there 5 to 6 times a week. 30 hours of intense meditation practice. It’s going to be tough.


2. The clinic is located on a plateau( 1800 meters high), and it’s in shortage of everything. The only café( named fruity) just serves limited few drinks – acai juice, coffee, fresh juice. There will be no Asian food let along Chinese food.


3. The time that I will arrive and stay will be the country’s summer season! No air conditioning will be available! Even more challenging, I won’t be rich enough to stay in any inn for 3 months, which means I will rent a room, hand wash all my clothes, cook every meal, and endure bugs, countless of them including malicious mosquitos and roachesL


4. loneliness would be my worst enemy. Imaging living in a village 5000miles away from China in another continent, and I don’t even speak the language( Luckily, English is acceptable). I will be homesick.





1. I will have chances to hear stories of people all around the world


2. I will be shut down from all modern technologies for 3 months


3.i will probably finally form the habit to meditate daily


4. Most importantly, I stay a chance of being healed either physically or mentally or both. 

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