I Would Rather Lose the Whole World than Lose You (2)
4已有 989 次阅读  2016-05-31 22:28

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On a season when the pink and white cherry blossoms drop with wind, Jay and V met in NK's first Starbucks Cafe. Here is where the story starts and ends.

Dear V,

You and I ran into each other on the romantic and legendary Cherry Blossom Road(樱花路也是醉了). Even now as I am typing these bitter-sweet words, my heart aches uncontrollably, and it went back to that mid-spring late afternoon, the time when our hopeless destinies met, dance, tangle, merge, abandon, and finally fall apart.


On that hot, windy afternoon, countless of cherry blossoms suddenly bloomed without any sign, and the fragile, delicate flower peddles flew all around the pebbled road, like a shower.

I sat quietly in THE CAFé ( since our first meeting, we call our first dating place, a two-story Starbuck, THE CAFé) sipping my green tea Frappuccino while waiting for you to appear.


On that glorious afternoon, I had not been typically excited and expecting since your online photo was quite plain, just like a glass of tepid water. Rather, I was purely attracted by your talent, and an Oscar Wide’s quote – “ We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at stars.” The moment I read that quote, I instantly knew, you can’t be a shallow guy. An empty human skeleton would never choose such a pristine and inspiring quote.


You stepped up to the second floor carrying a black tea latte. The instant I saw you, I was mesmerized( 还好你看不到). What a handsome and innocent young man! You were tanned, well-built, and polite; your voice was deep and pleasantly rasping, magnetic and infectious( even though you don’t typically love your own voice). Most importantly, like a glass of red wine or a mahogany cello, without even speaking, your elegance and a sense of stillness caught my eyes right there. At that moment, I instantly knew, I was lost in you, and probably would drown.


We talked and talked while time flew by like an albatross( 信天翁是你最喜欢的鸟类,因为它可以在汹涌的波涛上翱翔). Topic varied from spirituality, faith, hope, love to Huruki Murakami, Oprah Winfrey, AO SMITH, and so much more. What an unforgettable afternoon and night! Though in terms of age gap, we were 6 years apart, your taste of literature, music and fashion exceeded my fancy expectation of a decent lover. It was the feeling of running into my soulmate. I have to say, on that night, when we ended our conversation, when it’s time for you to leave, and when you quickly said goodbye heading to the metro station, for the first time, I fully understood the saying “ Love is a battle field, and the loser would always be the one who lost the battle at the first sight.”


Looking back, I lost my battle at the first sight of you. On 15th of March, you left me heading to the metro without a second of hesitancy. I should have awoken myself up, and I show knew already the story’s ending.


On that faithful night, I just couldn’t let go, and refuse to believe what had been written down on the wall with blood and tears.

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  • 故墨焚城 2016-05-31 22:43
  • danjay1983 2016-05-31 22:44
    故墨焚城: 看到你故事里的地点有些就在我附近,这种感觉好像时空穿梭。
    那就当小说慢慢enjoy. 这次会是连载:)
  • 孤独枫叶 2016-06-02 22:45
  • SillyTiger 2016-06-02 23:18
    Seems like u let him go even without trying, r u scared of "the distance of 6 years"? or  u scared his leaving in the future because he is a "world traveler" but u r not anymore(my guess)? u want to settle down but u do not want to be his burden, he still has a lot time to enjoy this world before he reaches your age?
  • danjay1983 2016-06-02 23:26
    SillyTiger: Seems like u let him go even without trying, r u scared of "the distance of 6 years"? or  u scared his leaving in the future because he is
    don't judge :)
  • SillyTiger 2016-06-02 23:28
    danjay1983: don't judge :)
    just confused, but I got it, if I were u, I would chose the same endding
  • SillyTiger 2016-06-02 23:45
  • 三楼ennis 2016-06-06 15:21
