3已有 651 次阅读  2016-07-04 11:00

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I was in my deep and sweet dream. In my dream, I could go anywhere as I wanted. “Sydney!” I told myself, and with a blink, riding my bike, I was there already.


I went to a few bookstores, and most importantly, USYD, my university. I couldn’t remember any detail, but I wouldn’t forget how happy and excited I felt.I was walking briskly, humming an unknown song, running into a few acquaintances, and stepping into the depth of the university, and capriciously, I saw my ocean again. It’s not as aquamarine and pristine as I used to remember, but muddy, foggy and heavily polluted. Still, I was uplifted by its dusty and salty smell, releasing power of washing away all my bitterness, tears and frustration and its unconditional love.


Water is my everything, and no matter how devastating my life has been and is, as long as I can either be around or be inside of water, my pounding heart would calm down; my wandering thoughts would slow down; most amazingly, I would be centered as if water is the grand uni verse, and I am one of its negligible planets.


In my sweet dream, I was like a child again in water, and unfortunately, the nostalgic moment and feeling failed to last. With another blink, I was in my Architecture building’s hollow and suppressing corridor again feeling suffocated, and cold sweating profusely. My final scores of the last year at university were shown in bold letters from a few large hanging down TV screen from the ceiling.


I failed! I wouldn't be able to graduate in time! my future is sabotaged by myself!


I screamed and screamed, and was awakened by the “bullet hitting the wall”sound. The rain is powering out of my 21st floor’s long windows. The sky is disgustingly gray.


I am deeply depressed.

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  • 时雨_Neil 2016-07-04 11:05
    你给自己的压力太大了,calm down. : )
  • danjay1983 2016-07-04 11:12
    时雨_Neil: 你给自己的压力太大了,calm down. : )
  • 时雨_Neil 2016-07-04 11:31
    danjay1983: :)
  • SillyTiger 2016-07-07 00:07
    Sorry I was not here sooner, but I do not have bad dream for years, maybe last time was high school, and I could not feel that horror of sucking in a bad dream like this. I dont know whether this feels alike: I had a chance to  achieve something great at work, but at the same time I realized Im gay which frustrated me, nearly broke me, during those days, I thought everything is just gray, hopeless. Maybe this is the closest feeling I have like this. I'll try share more sunshine with you
  • 孤独枫叶 2016-07-10 00:02
