“邂逅” 气功大师(1)
2已有 596 次阅读  2016-07-28 23:03   标签generation  English  turning  called  leader 

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Today’s experiences were so unique and incredible that I have to denote all of them.

About 1 or 2 weeks ago, a stranger girl with a weird name Yun Er( Cloud) called me for a meeting with a self-claimed Chi-master. Cloud was so eager on the phone resembling a green-hand sales woman. In her words, the man has mastered his Chi, is Tao’s 24’s generation leader and is capable of turning a near-death person alive. Though being extremely skeptic and critical, I still decided to give a try and visited this master. 

The master’s apartment was inside of a small alley where street vendors were selling their bread sticks and dumplings, fresh Asian greens and fruits. Inside of his living room(rented), hundreds of photos of him taking with celebrities covered the main wall including The Lord of Nebula( the most renowned Buddhist leader of modern Tai Wan) and Jay Chou. However, taking a closer look at these photos, they are clearly Photoshopped due to the unnatural smile and hand gestures shown such as the master shaking Jay’s hand.These photos may fool ordinary folks, but not me majoring Graphic Design . I felt instantly duped. 

Still, Since I had come anyway, I decided to have a conversation with him, and saw what more tricks he could play on me. The conversation was more cheap than his photos- bragging about his mastery of Chi saving countless numbers of people globally, and how kind and big-hearten he was. Just when I was almost ready to leave and shut the door in his face. Something incredible happened – energy started to flow inside of my body, and my breathing was more fluid than ever! He didn't touch me, and i was being given a invisible healing. 

What was going on?  Did he just send Chi to my body by talking? 

The answer was yes. He did it so effortlessly! 

I was shocked by his magic, and was more stunned when he asked for 100000 if I had any interest in being his apprentice. with any EQ and IQ, who would ever be stupid enough of asking for that much money on someone's first visit? 

After leaving his home, I though a lot about this guy. Yes, he indeed possessed the skill of healing. However, he was and is still not being qualified as a healer who is supposed to be humble and low-key. He is just self-centered, bragging, loud and cheap.


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