“邂逅”气功大师(3)气脉瑜伽第一式: THE DRAGON POSE
已有 583 次阅读  2016-07-29 14:24   标签profession  learning  teachers  between  seeing 

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I had been learning yoga in the past, and my biggest complaint came from my ex-teachers ignorance of their profession – many of them don’t even love what they are doing. Instead of seeing yoga as an ancient form of art and their passions, these teachers only teach Yoga to make money, and could care less about their students. In other words, there hasn’t been enough connection between masters and their students.


Cloud, however, is a completely different Yogi. While being shy and speaking very little when doing her office job, she would transform herself completely as a yoga teacher. This is especially fascinating when she uses metaphor and visualization to explain all different poses.


Today, I learnt from her about the most essential, yet powerful base, The Dragon Pose.

The temperature was around 38c. However, I was desperate enough to learn from her that the harsh weather condition was a piece of cake.

It started from taking a long and deep breath, holding my chi with both hands from the universe, and gradually lifting the chi up from my ocean Chokora ( my belly button) to the sky and bending my body backward with two arms doing the same. By taking this step, I would be able to collect CHI.


The next step would be gradually bending my body downward while sending the collected CHI to my 丹田. It’s amazing how I could feel a string of cold air current gradually and steadfastly moving from my 膻中 to my 丹田,where all chi form, infuse and were ready to nourish body.


The third step was the most challenging one which took me to repetitively practice above 50 times to even feel doing it just right: at this step, I must send chi from 丹田to 命门,and rise the chi from there slowly( my base spine), bit by bit to the top of my spine (大椎) as a dragon is fluidly waving its body from tail to head. IF doing it correctly, one could sense a wave of electricity washing his whole spinal cord.


The final step was to exhaling all chi staying at 大椎out of the body with a long and relaxing sigh. When this step was finished, I could feel recharged with energy while chest is filled with air, my brain stays clearer, and most importantly, I feel less depressed and happier.


According to Cloud, constantly practicing this posture, I would never need to drink coffee and tea to unnaturally producing energy by pressing my adrenaline!


Once leaving her studio, I was very grateful, and after arriving at home, I practiced one more hour before resting. 

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