已有 436 次阅读  2018-10-19 00:57

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The show was fantastic – so jazzy and sexy and dark. The show’s theme is about love murdering and using murder to make fame. 

Half- naked men and women on stage made all kind of sexy and flirty gestures, and turned all audiences on too easily.

Both the male and female dancers’ costumes were designed and made so sluttish and sexy and flirty – males were wearing translucent black silky Tank-tops showing their 6-packs and muscular shapes while exposing their stiffed and erected nipples to all. Their pants were so tight that you can see their bulge and  penises’ size quite easily when they dance. They also have chiseled face that mimic statues.


Anyway, sexual seduction was the key part of the show. Every dancer was like a sex icon.


What really struck me was the world created by Chicago –  a dirty, dark and materialistic world where money could buy everything.  Women criminals from this show all had their tragic love stories that ended with murdering their men. 

The story line was quite simple – the protagonist was married but cheating on her husband with a young and sexy furniture seller. Once, after sex, the young man was breaking up with the protagonist, and was shot for his betrayal.

When she ended up in jail, and could be possibly sentenced to death ( hanged), she begged her husband, a fat, short and innocent man to pay 5000 dollars for a super handsome and canny lawyer to save her.

The lawyer tried his best to make the protagonist a star in jail, and by doing so, hopefully regain her freedom. 


However, by making her a star, another woman – the ex star of the jail – was angered because her fame and popularity were taken away, and 2 women started a fight for the fame.


The whole show reminded me one planet alone – Pluto. They are too well-connected. The whole show was filled with the plutonian topics: murdering, sex, forbidden love, underground issues, sensitivity, fame, death, betray and materialism. While enjoying the show, I couldn’t help but telling myself that I would never get myself involved with any of these dark and pathetic issues. 


 I want to live under the light instead of the opposite; I want to keep my innocence even after too many tragedies; I don’t want to act shady and creepy and hurt people for tragic romance or being hurt for it.


I don’t want my life to be filled with superficial causes and effects – lying for money, faking and acting for fame. 


In one sentence, Chicago’s characters allowed me to see what kind of people I hate, and don’t want to be.


Love the show’s setting design – black , gold, white  and deep gray.


Love the music – so sexy, dark, jazzy,arousing and stimulating. 

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