why do people watch porn?!
已有 390 次阅读  2019-02-14 18:45

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At least, it’s safe.

This is why porn is so prevalent in today’s world – no risk of getting aids, and can do it at anytime and anyplace.

Still, like any other drug, this is a drug.

Watching porn is like drinking Americano that can bring 1 to 2 hour of orgasm-like joy that somehow everything is ok and will be ok. 

Allowing you to escape for 2 hours.

Then you wake up and the world is still as ugly as before if not more and as hopeless as before.

You are still that despaired and sexually-featureless species roaming aroundand the same one that no love story has ever happened and will never happen to you.


Porn is not able to change a thing  about you. 


Instead of relying on porn or any drug, make a change.

Swim daily 

Eating healthy 

And sleep more no matter how difficult doing it is.

And write/write/write …



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