Say goodnight
3已有 599 次阅读  2014-06-12 01:49   标签anywhere  medium  heart  color  style 

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Say goodnight not good bye
You will never leave my heart behind
Like the path of a star
I'll be anywhere you are

In the spark that lies beneath the coals
In the secret place inside your soul
Keep my light in your eyes
Say goodnight not good bye

Don't you fear when you dream
Wakin' up is never what it seems
Like a jewel buried deep
Like a promise meant to keep

You are everything you wanna be
So just let your heart reach out to me
I'll be right by your side
Say goodnight not good bye

You are everything you wanna be
So just let your heart reach out to me
Keep my light in your eyes
Say goodnight not good bye
Say goodnight not good by

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