免费去泰国 -- 新增1个免费名额
7已有 1361 次阅读  2014-12-25 15:45

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2014.12.25 有人提问:参加活动,是否需要很好的英语听说能力呢?
Don’t worry too much about the language thing. Everyone knows what a smile is, and a hug. A few common words and hand motions can say a lot.

As long as one of you from China feels comfortable listening in a circle and translating at the same time, Mix can participate in both hearing and speaking. We mostly speak English, and many times have had a Thai guy speaking in their own language, and having their friend translate into English every sentence or two, then translate responses back into Thai. Then each person can really speak their heart, and we hope their friend translates that clearly enough for all to participate.

This happens for friends from many countries at our gathering. English is the common language, but even between the USA, the UK and Australia we get confused about words. We had participants from 13 countries in 2014, 46% native English speakers and 54% other languages. Everyone speaks English at a different level.

At the International Faerie Gathering in the USA this year, we had gay activists from Russia, Cuba and Africa who spoke mostly through interpreters, and even gave presentations that way. It worked there as well as in heart circles.

Welcome to our gathering,


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