1已有 629 次阅读  2014-04-17 01:38

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  The Beijing LGBT Center is a non-profit,community-based organization that empowers the Beijing lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community through providingsocial services and organizing advocacy programs. Our services andprograms exist to further LGBT movement, eliminate discrimination,and achieve equality. Our work promotes cultural diversity andcontributes to civil society development.
  联系电话 Tel:010-64466970
  Address:Bldg B, Rm2606, XinTianDiPlaza,XiBaHe Nan LuJia No.1,ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing
  乘车路线:地铁13号线柳芳站出B口或乘104快车、110路、116路、123路、130路 等城铁柳芳站下车。
  Travel route:(Subway) LiuFang Station of Line 13, Exit B(East) ,(Bus) BRT104, 110, 116, 123, 606, ChengTie LiuFang Stop(LiuFang Subway Station)

www.bjlgbtcenter.org | blog.sina.com.cn/bjlgbtcenter | weibo.com/bjlgbtcenter | www.douban.com/host/bjlgbtcenter |www.feizan.com/bjlgbtcenter | www.facebook.com/bjlgbtcenter | 飞信:18810132334 | 微信:bjlgbtcenter

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