Like I Care About Your Shit
5已有 515 次阅读  2015-04-29 01:22

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What would normal people do when they feel depressed and downcast, or, if these words convey too strong a pessimistic message, simply upset and unhappy? Turning gluttonous is a popular but not highly-recommended way to shut out gloom since foods always heal. Close friends and intimate family members are always there for support, so are the self-help books on the shelf. Indulging in films, animations or cheesy TV series is surely on the list. Intensive workout leading to an exhausted body also works wonders by diverting one’s attention from nagging troubles to sore muscles and stressed-out limbs.

Throughout time, I've attempted all but every one of these positive methods to retain a peace of mind, yet I found it very difficult to keep high spirits in the long run. I failed for a series of reasons that repudiate the above mentioned offers one by one: I have to be thoughtful of what I put into my mouth because I used to be fat and being fat sucks; I hate people dumping all the petty details of their lives on me, so I won’t risk losing friends by doing so; I’m not close to any of my family members for the weakness and incapacity in trying to be understood, common traits most homosexuals within the closet share; I've been a movie buff already, irrespective of moods; And finally, regular exercise lifts the spirits only temporarily. Without something meaningful to engage in, my mind lapses into the annoying semi-hibernated, indifferent-to-everything status at one time or another.   

Oh, I haven’t mentioned one thing yet, which is writing, something I’m doing right now just to while away a few mind-numbing office hours.  I don’t keep journals. But I do find writing an appeasing process, a beneficial pastime, a great way to help sort out complicated affairs or inexplicable feelings by sifting through details, organizing thoughts, brooding over possibilities and eventually laying them out on paper. Anxiety and void rarefy as thoughts trickle down from brain and solidify into words, sentences and eventually a passage.

Upon completing the work, one may choose to keep it to oneself or make it public, both options reflecting distinctive mentalities: the first serves as introspection, an anatomy of oneself; the latter mirrors a want for communication, actively inviting judgments, be they praises or attacks.

Many on this website are falling over themselves to expose bravely or shamelessly their emotions through sharing with the community their melancholy stories and heartbreaking experiences. Styles, details and components of each account vary, but human relationships have only so many forms. The themes, as far as I can put down here, include but not limited to the following:

·         I got ditched (which suggests that I am available now. Feel free to flirt with me under the pretense of comforting me).

·         Or on the contrary, I just fell in love and I couldn't wait to show off to the world.

·         I miss my ex so much that I cannot bear it. If he would miss me, too, even for only a teeny-weeny bit (and somewhat making this fact known to me), I’d feel gratefully reassured.

·         Or on the contrary, I hate my ex and I like myself better and especially proud of myself for getting over that little scum.

·         I had sex with a stranger and, hell, I loved it!

·         Or it could be “I had sex with a stranger, I realized I made a terrible mistake and I’m getting AIDS!”

·         For those who do have AIDS, they live on and strong. Very estimable.

·         Everyday life: I met a moron, a psycho, a slut or an ugly (with the ugly being the most complained about and usually given hideous characteristics to make him uglier).

·         Pure bad luck: I fell for a straight guy and he showed reluctance/ ridicule/ repulsion.

·         Last but not least, the unrequited love: I like him but he doesn't give a shit!

Indeed, so sad are these stories that maybe letting it out and letting people know become the only way for some to get cheap solace for whatever it could have been as they had wished for. The storytellers, or the victims, just never realize that, when they expose their vulnerabilities and look forward to compassion, understanding and support, the despicable human natures such as apathy, disdain and schadenfreude, also sweep the audience. 

At any rate, the conversations a piece generates are uncontrollable. Onlookers are not always kind and sometimes spur straightforward or impolite comments that soon play out as endless squabbling with insults being hurled back and forth. But these are fine, just bemusing farces to me.

What I cannot understand or tolerate are those, usually rude and boorish, who are so easily offended and whose self-assertive two cents matter more than anything else that they are too argumentative and combative to let go of any chance to correct different opinions at any cost, which betrays their own ignorant characters defined by straitened horizons and backward manners.

The sour relationship between writers and readers, not only on this website, but on most social media networks across the nation, illustrates people’s mentalities and attitudes as to how to cope with both teething troubles and major obstacles in life. Some gradually relapse into two opposite extremes, either wallowing in the past remorse or over-calculating the failures that only throw them into deeper self-doubt and self-pity; or becoming excessively selfish and self-absorbed, preoccupied with cynical and utilitarian wisdom that eventually deprives them of sympathy and humanity.

Few people could remain unfazed in every stage of their lives. More likely than not, you won’t get what you've pined for by laying bare those not so fascinating accounts worded in a tedious way. Similarly, assuming a self-righteous role and running around passing judgments will also get you nowhere. I have no intention in making this article a pedantic lecture on educating people to be kind and nice to each other. In fact, I intended to write a book review but had no idea how it wound up in this bewildering direction. I’m on my own way to figure out how to balance out conflicting emotions when faced with challenges and thus make decisions without compromising my conscience. It's a one man's journey, long and lonely.

声明: 本文及其评论仅代表个人观点,不代表飞赞网立场。不当言论请举报

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  • aoxuelin 2015-04-29 06:44
    I like your thoughtful reflection on the futulity of almost every regular means people are inclined to employ to soothe the aching sore. Turning to friends or readers for solace may yield nothing but candid apathy or cheap comfort, but what we need from others for most of the time is not constructive suggestions or enlightening inspiritions but a general expression of understanding. For the understanding, i do not mean the intelligent knowledge of your concrete situation but rather a general resonance of the inner angst you are grappling with. We are all lonely souls allowing for the fact that no one knows exactly what we have gone through; but it relieves somewhat when told that "i believe the pain is real."
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-29 07:41
  • D.neil 2015-04-29 10:40
    aoxuelin: I like your thoughtful reflection on the futulity of almost every regular means people are inclined to employ to soothe the aching sore. Turning to f
    True true. Sometimes a plain gesture of approval, empathy or encouragement, wherever it comes from, would be sufficient to cheer one up and all that matter may be as simple as one’s voice being heard. By the way, I didn't expect a reply as positive and large-hearted as this one, especially from you, who seems to own the idea of seclusion and always emanates an air of aloofness. I’m quite glad to be able to get a hint of another facet of your character, which makes me worry less about you turning more twisted. Haha.
  • D.neil 2015-04-29 21:29
    一个人的剧本: 让我想到了高中的阅读理解,一种想撕卷的感觉
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-29 21:35
  • D.neil 2015-04-29 21:52
    一个人的剧本: 摔了就不能上飞赞了,会不开心的
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-29 22:49
  • D.neil 2015-04-29 23:32
    一个人的剧本: 看到各种小鲜肉当然开心啊,鞋垫嘛
  • 三年一沟 2015-04-30 01:50
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-30 08:14
    D.neil: 哪有鲜肉。。。。
  • D.neil 2015-04-30 10:31
    一个人的剧本: 满眼的90后,00后,我这80后都不好意思刷存在感了。
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-30 19:49
  • D.neil 2015-04-30 21:18
    一个人的剧本: 不为找朋友的瞎勾搭都是耍流氓。其实刷存在感也无可厚非,现在是眼球时代,没有注意,就没有深入了解的机会,奇葩当道,老实的人都在默默无声的路上慢慢
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-30 21:24
    D.neil: 那你是走上奇葩之路的老实人咯~
  • D.neil 2015-04-30 22:08
    一个人的剧本: 是啊,正在学习
  • 一个人的剧本 2015-04-30 22:16
    D.neil: 恩恩,有志者事竟成,坚持下去晚节不保指日可待了。
  • D.neil 2015-04-30 22:25
    一个人的剧本: 共勉。找到一个就好,我不贪心。
  • lifeasther 2015-05-03 14:26
  • D.neil 2015-05-03 22:27
    lifeasther: 正好符合我最近的心境
  • humanity 2015-05-04 03:11
  • D.neil 2015-05-04 06:49
    humanity: 读完前两段感觉自己就快要炸裂了。。。
