my love——Long Hot Summer
1已有 757 次阅读  2013-09-13 19:40   标签love  song  Long  Hot  Summer  keith  urban 

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    想来点轻快的节奏?OK,follow me babe.

    私人场所请打开音响,just louder.  公共场合请带上耳机,自寻一个舒服的姿势。如果喜欢,可以点一支烟,或一小杯白干,或半杯浓咖,或者嚼一枚口香糖,or nothing but the MUSIC .
    大一时听广播偶然接触到keith urban的音乐,从此便一发不可收拾。喜欢这种节奏欢乐的乡村音乐。它让每个神经末梢都舒缓下来,身上的每个细胞都可以踩着节奏律动起来,感受到一种从微观到宏观的快乐——从脚趾头最末端的一个细胞开始。
   这首歌写的是夏天即将到来时的遐想,整首歌洋溢着小美好,阳光、沙滩,以及最重要的——心爱的人,人生有此乐,夫复何求(言重了,哈哈)。现在刚刚熬过漫漫长夏,再听这首歌,回想一下这个夏天发生的事,是不是发现夏天虽热,却也有点小可爱呢。谨以此曲跟去夏,以及这个夏天经过的人或事兮作别。I Hope, next summer,I won't be alone.

long hot summer - keith urban  专辑《Get Closer (Deluxe Version)》

I can't sleep  我无法入睡
Ain't no sleep a'coming  并非无睡意
I'm just lying here thinking 'bout you 只是一躺着便会想你
I'm in deep  我深深地
Falling deep into the picture in my mind of everything we're gonna do

Over at the lake and down by the river  泛舟湖面或顺流而下
You can feel it start to rise   你能感受到情绪开始高涨
Wanna jump in my car, go wherever you are 只想驱车跟随有你的地方
'Cause I need you by my side  因为我需要你的陪伴
It's gonna be a long, hot summer, we should be together  漫漫炎夏将至,而我们会在一起——
With your feet up on the dashboard now 现在就踏上我的车
Singing along with the radio, it's such a beautiful sound 和着电台一起哼唱,音乐是如此美秒
And when you say my name in the middle of the day, 当你某时叫我名字时
I swear I see the stars come out 我发誓看见了星光闪耀
When you hold my hand in the back of my mind, 当你牵我手时,只想就这样
just waiting on the sun to go down, the sun to go down  等待日落,慢慢落下
I wanna see your brown skin shimmer in the sun for the first time

I try to be the one who knows just what to do to you to get me that smile

One chance of meeting, you were walking by me on the street and I said hi
And that was the beginning of my heart spinnin' like these wheels in my head tonight
It's gonna be a long, hot summer, we should be together 漫漫炎夏将至,而我们会在一起——
With your feet up on the dashboard now  现在就踏上我的车
Singing along with the radio, it's such a beautiful sound 和着电台一起哼唱,音乐是如此美秒
And when you say my name in the middle of the day, 当你某时叫我名字时
I swear I see the stars come out  我发誓看见了星光闪耀
When you hold my hand in the back of my mind, 当你牵我手时,只想就这样
just waiting on the sun to go down, the sun to go down 等待日落,慢慢落下
The only place that I wanna be is where you are  我只想去有你的地方
'Cause anymore than a heartbeat away is just too far 因为任何感受不到你心跳的距离都太遥远
It's gonna be a long, hot summer, we should be together 漫漫炎夏将至,而我们会在一起——
All I really want is more than this moment right now 恨不得这一刻马上到来
And when you say my name in the middle of the day,  当你某时叫我名字时
I swear I see the stars come out   我发誓看见了星光闪耀
And when you hold my hand and I look into your eyes 当你牵我手时,我望向你的眼眸
I swear it looks like you're waiting for the sun to go down, 我相信你想着快快日落
the sun to go down 快快日落
I swear it's like you're waiting for the sun to go down
Waiting on the sun to go down
Hey, yeah
Oh, I'm loving thinking 'bout you 我喜欢这种想你的感觉
I can't sleep, I'm just lying here thinkin' 'bout you 我无法入睡,只是躺着想你。。。。。。


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