For the First Time
189已有 29209 次阅读  2012-06-23 13:28   标签first  beautiful  moment 

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I remembered how many times I was impetuous to put my hands into yours. But I was uncourageous to approach a little closer because I knew that I was not brave enough to bear your refusing. For a long time, I did not experience such heart beat. At first sight of you, I knew there was something chemical reacting deep into my heart. The usual name we call is hormone. I was uncontrollably attracted by the guy before me, from your appearance to your dress-up, from your manner to your mind.


I’m sorry to tell you that I suffered insomnia last night. I could not help thinking of you over night. Yes, I think I’ve already fell in love with you. I confess my affection to you, seriously and sincerely. Assuming that you are not interested in me, I still thank you for bringing me long lost heartbeat. Everybody shall be faithful to his own heart. So I opened my heart for you. Hope not bother you and press you.


Thanks for your company, one of the most beautiful moments in my life. For the first time, I taste the bittersweet of first love and I know, something pure and innocent will always be with me and go on.


Loving you


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