In the Past Ten years
6已有 209 次阅读  2023-09-19 12:03

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The biggest change for myself in the past ten years may be that I used to crave recognition and expect people feel the same way as me, but now I don't care if others can understand because I no longer need it. I have formed my own thoughts and judgments  to life. As long as everything is to achieve my inner goal, I will steadfastly walk on. Who cares what you think of me?

It has also become less easy for me to sympathize. Everyone has their own life path to follow, and I only need to respect the fate of others. Moreover, I have always felt that emotional and verbal sympathy is meaningless unless you can provide material help, but most people can generously provide only spiritual and verbal comfort. Even my parents say that I have become very selfish, isn't it good to be selfish? Focusing on my own life and dedicating myself to a better life for myself and my loved ones around me shouldn't be the most important thing to chase in life?

In the eyes of those around me, I seem to have become very cold and selfish, showing a bit of indifference towards my family, friends, or unfortunate events in the news. In fact, it's not that I'm unmoved to those things, but that I feel powerless in my heart. It's more meaningful to live a good life first and then provide assistance within my capabilities.

In addition, people from my parents' generation were most fond of chatting about family and friends' gossip and providing life advice to young people that they believed was right, such as on getting married or working. I have always reminded my parents to participate less in such discussions and chat about happy things or TV series or even news in the media, after all, no one likes to be criticized or given advice. For my parents, I stop trying to change some of their lifestyle habits and thoughts, but make myself accustomed to them doing things in their own way. After all, decades of deep-rooted habits and thoughts cannot be changed in just a few words. Learning to shut up will make everyone happy and is also an important practice in life.

I don't know what changes will happen in the next decade, but I'm looking forward to it...
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评论 (10 个评论) 发表评论

  • ivan 2023-09-19 12:14
    In addition就很官方
  • 白墨辰 2023-09-19 12:17
    ivan: In addition就很官方
    随便写写 没想那么多
  • 卿卿 2023-09-19 12:18
  • 白墨辰 2023-09-19 12:38
    卿卿: 英语专业吗?真好
    是的 你什么专业
  • 卿卿 2023-09-19 13:10
    白墨辰: 是的 你什么专业
  • 白墨辰 2023-09-19 15:53
    卿卿: 工科男
    哈哈 不愁工作
  • himan 2023-09-26 20:19
  • 白墨辰 2023-09-26 20:26
    himan: 下个十年你可能会发现,原来那些过来人的建议都是对的
    或许吧 每个阶段想法会改变
  • himan 2023-09-26 20:32
    白墨辰: 或许吧 每个阶段想法会改变
  • 白墨辰 2023-09-26 21:47
    himan: 大体是没错的,只是可能不太适合你,或者不太适合当下的你。你也不用太较真,简单回复就可以了,比如谢谢你啊,你讲的都对,烦你操心了。
    是的 现在已经不去当面分辨了 没有必要因为不认同产生争执。
