5已有 2237 次阅读  2010-06-08 16:07

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Hi Jeff,

I'm really glad that you guys enjoyed yourself - I hope that we will see you there again this Friday.

Just to let you know about the music - Alfa already has a policy of playing 80s and 90s music on a Friday night. People in BJ want something different to dance to than the usual hip hop and Lady GaGa so alfa regularly plays popular well known tunes from pre-2000. It's a shame your friends didn't stay 'til later, loads of gay guys were out dancing. It was great to see gay people and straight people all dancing to the same tunes together. Totally captured the spirit of how BJ is changing. :)

As to whether your friends like the music, I had people tell me they loved the music on Friday and others who wanted it to be different. Seems i can't win!!

I don't want to completely repeat the music from Destination (as then we're not offering gay people a choice), but I guess this is the kind of music your friends prefer? However, as i assume your friends don't want to go to Destination at 9.30 in the evening - maybe they could make Alfa, their first place of the evening to have a chat and a few drinks (in a more social bar and at a much cheaper price!) and then go off to Destination to dance - just a suggestion??

In fact, when i first talked about starting this night, it was very much intended that it would be a place where guys would be able to get a few good drinks at a great price, talk with each other and then head off to Destination later.

Also, I've spoken with the owner from alfa and if we can make the weekly Friday night a success, then there is the strong possibility of running it on a Saturday too when we would have control over the music and could offer a contrast to the Friday night DJ selection. Then we could play some of the exact music your friends like!

Of course to get to that stage, we need people to regularly turn up to Friday night for a few weeks. I feel kind of in a catch 22 for this situation: If i try to give people the same feeling as they get in Destination, then nobody comes because there is no point; and if i offer something different from Destination, a lot of guys don't come because they don't like something different!!!! haha.

So, I can only hope that by sticking with how it is now, then at least the people who want a change will come, and people like your friends who had a great time but prefer to dance to different music, will drink and chat in alfa before going to Destination to dance.

Anyway, I really hope that you and your friends will make it a regular pre-Destination bar. It would be nice to get to know you all better and introduce you to some of the other gay guys i know in Beijing.

Hope to see you there and please continue to let people know that there is a new gay night on Fridays. You've been doing a super job already!


From: contact@feizan.com
To: philfarrierprice@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: _Friday _GAY _part y_at_ ALFA _start s_T ONIGHT!_!! 新的同志派对 每周 五晚上在阿尔法!
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 21:58:50 -0700

Hi Phil,

Thank you for your feedback. More than 20 guys took party in the party, and they told me that they really enjoyed it. However, it seems that the DJ in Alfa is not good enough. The music is out of date and not suitable for dancing.

Anyway, I am glad that the party raised so much money. It's wonderful! Also, I'd like to support the party. You can tell me the information, and send the URL to me by msn or email.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE:_Friday _GAY _part y_at_ ALFA _start s_T ONIGHT!_!!
新的同志派对 每周 五晚上在阿尔法!
From: Phil Farrier-Price <philfarrierprice@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, June 07, 2010 8:17 pm
To: <contact@feizan.com>

Hi Jeff,

Firstly, thank you so much for coming last Friday - I hope you and your friends had a great time!! The feedback i've had has generally been fantastic. Only issue seems to have been with the speed to get drinks and i've already sorted that problem out with the bar.
Sorry, that i didn't have much time to talk though - with it being the first event, it was kind of crazy.

However, Alfa were really happy with the concept, so the owner is very keen to back me on trying to build up a new gay night in BJ. If you could continue your personal support and your support through feizan.com that would be great.

Obviously, for some people in BJ, their only real experience of gay bars is Destination, so it will need some time for them to realise that this is not a direct copy, but instead we are offering a different kind of gay party - one where it is easier for people to socialise and enjoy a drink together. There were also quite a lot of people who met new guys last Friday which is great. Those people who were looking for a bit of a change in the BJ gay nightlife certainly seemed to love last Friday.

Also when people want to go to Destination, I hope they will see this party as the perfect place to start their evening before heading to Des. :)

And fantastic news - we managed to raise 3,200rmb for charity which I think is great!!!

I hope to see you again on Friday (I promise we can chat more this time!) and I look forward to our ongoing work on gay projects. If you have anything you think I can help you on, please do let me know.

Thanks again for all your help in this - you're making a real difference and really helping to raise more money :)

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评论 (28 个评论) 发表评论

  • 白色万宝路 2010-06-08 16:17
  • 凌绝顶 2010-06-08 16:18
    白色万宝路: 就冲他们有二十做慈善,大家就应该多多捧场。我以后把它列为热身场地之一吧!端午我组织一下死党去探探路,音乐最好和灯笼一样,可以high起来。不过我还是最爱麦
    不知道端午有没有活动,可以去看看。阿尔法不是一个同志酒吧。只是老板比较gay friendly。这个活动是周五有。
  • 凌绝顶 2010-06-08 16:23
    蒜 | BOY A: 怎么全是鸟语 =。=
  • 白色万宝路 2010-06-08 16:27
  • forrestsimon 2010-06-08 16:41
  • 赤尸 2010-06-08 16:53
  • martian 2010-06-08 16:56
    我都没有去过gay bar的说~~
  • 凌绝顶 2010-06-08 16:57
    martian: 我都没有去过gay bar的说~~
    你太矜持了。不过这个不是gay bar。
  • martian 2010-06-08 17:01
    凌绝顶: 你太矜持了。不过这个不是gay bar。
    恩恩,gay party也没有参加过的说
  • 凌绝顶 2010-06-08 17:01
    martian: 恩恩,gay party也没有参加过的说
  • mutesinger 2010-06-08 17:05
    I love this bar and the boss.
  • 凌绝顶 2010-06-08 17:07
    mutesinger: I love this bar and the boss.
    very good
  • martian 2010-06-08 17:09
    凌绝顶: 哈哈,以后一定要参加啊!
  • adamwang 2010-06-08 19:33
  • 沈小岛 2010-06-08 19:51
  • jason_in 2010-06-08 20:31
    沈小岛: 特别要注意的是不要跟我似的走路望着天上,然后一脚踩到水池子里
  • 阳光至帅 2010-06-08 20:39
  • cardigans 2010-06-08 22:45
    不错 有酒喝的地方值得去看看
  • flyaway 2010-06-08 22:49
  • 凌绝顶 2010-06-08 22:50
    flyaway: 在哪里?氛围怎么样?消费如何?有什么活动?
  • flyaway 2010-06-08 22:55
  • 沈小岛 2010-06-08 23:08
    jason_in: 天上有帅哥吗?
  • 神话 2010-06-08 23:09
  • jason_in 2010-06-08 23:13
    沈小岛: 还真有
  • niss 2010-06-15 07:27
  • 天际流云 2010-06-19 23:11
  • 大米饭 2010-06-22 19:26
  • HEYK 2010-06-23 17:07
    他家的那款酒比较好喝·· 介绍下·· 不要太猛··
