听Phil 讲中国Gay的故事
128已有 5986 次阅读  2011-01-27 17:28

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3、很多gay问他alfa酒吧在哪里(Phil负责alfa酒吧周五同志派对的宣传运营),酒水怎么样,服务员好不好,位置在哪里啊,附近有什么吃的啊,等等等等,问了十多个问题,最后说了一句:还是不去了……Phil说,如果是一个老外,只会问他一个问题(我和他同时说出来这个问题):Where is it?Phil很奇怪,为什么中国人就不愿意尝试新东西呢?试了不就知道了。



6、一些gay觉得只有1/0插入才是做爱,手淫口交不是做爱。Phil 就不理解了:难道你回家,打开门,看到你妈给你爸口交,你也能当没看见一样,在一旁冷静的看电视么?





2011.01.28 13:27

I've just seen this and would like to add my reply. Sorry that it is not in Chinese, but I want to express myself clearly...

Firstly, I would like to point out that I had no idea my comments would be here!! This was just a casual conversation between friends in McDonald's and these are just my personal opinions.

Having seen your comments, I feel I should maybe add a few points:

Most importantly, I understand that i am not Chinese and I can never see things in exactly the same way, but I have been living here more than 7 years and I have both lived, worked and dated with Chinese people, so i feel i have some understanding. While I am not Chinese, isn't cultural exchange all about the sharing of ideas? Certainly, I feel that I have learned a lot of new ideas from my chinese friends - some of which I think are amazing. This is not a debate of which country is better, but a sharing of cultural ideas so we can all enrich our lives.

I will try also and comment on each point that Jeff (凌绝顶) raises above:

1. I totally understand that it is extremely difficult for Chinese people to 'come out' to their parents. What I think many people don't understand is that it is the same in my country too!! I have Chinese friends whose parents are fine with them being gay and I have Western friends whose parents are definitely not ok with it. my meaning is that this is an individual family matter - nothing to do with where we are from. Before I told my family I was scared too (this is natural), but I believe there are also better ways to tell your family and it is these positive stories that we should share so that all younger gay guys (Chinese or Western) can have a better experience.

2. I am not saying here that people shouldn't have a 'top' or 'bottom' role in bed. All I am saying is that why does it have to be such an early question?? The reason I don't like it being the first question, is that it suggests, if i give the wrong answer, then people won't be interested in talking with me! We all have our sexual preferences, in the same way that i prefer rice to noodles, but it isn't what defines me. There is much more to me than simply being a top (I hope!)!

3. This is just a cultural difference, I don't say it is good or bad - just different. My meaning is that maybe all people from any country should be as open as possible to trying new experiences without questioning too much?

4. For this i am only talking personally. I want a relationship where me and my boyfriend are equal. When he needs help - I am there, when i need support - he is there. Again, i think this should have nothing to do with whether people are top or bottom. Of course all people like to be taken care of, but in a relationship, I think it's important to have an equal balance.

5. For this, i was saying that in many ways, it is easier to be gay in China than many people realise. When I tell Chinese people (who I am not friends or connected with) that I am gay, I think that actually their reaction is often better than English people. Coming from a more 'open' society has both advantages and disadvantages. Beijing is certainly much safer for gay people but also has less understanding of it. Perhaps the two go together?? I don't know...

6. Finally, I think this is not just restricted to China, it is simply my personal opinion. I think that sex is any sexual act between two guys - whether it includes anal sex or not. Surely all sex can be really fun and should be considered sex!

Anyway, ALL of these points are just my opinion - whether you agree or not, is simply a matter of personal taste.

I really hope to see you all in Alfa tonight, it would be great to meet new friends in person

声明: 本文及其评论仅代表个人观点,不代表飞赞网立场。不当言论请举报

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  • Phil 2011-01-28 13:26
    I've just seen this and would like to add my reply. Sorry that it is not in Chinese, but I want to express myself clearly...

    Firstly, I would like to point out that I had no idea my comments would be here!! This was just a casual conversation between friends in McDonald's and these are just my personal opinions.

    Having seen your comments, I feel i should maybe add a few points:

    Most importantly, I understand that i am not Chinese and I can never see things in exactly the same way, but I have been living here more than 7 years and I have both lived, worked and dated with Chinese people, so i feel i have some understanding. While I am not Chinese, isn't cultural exchange all about the sharing of ideas? Certainly, I feel that I have learned a lot of new ideas from my chinese friends - some of which I think are amazing. This is not a debate of which country is better, but a sharing of cultural ideas so we can all enrich our lives.

    I will try also and comment on each point that Jeff raises above:

    1. I totally understand that it is extremely difficult for Chinese people to 'come out' to their parents. What I think many people don't understand is that it is the same in my country too!! I have Chinese friends whose parents are fine with them being gay and I have Western friends whose parents are definitely not ok with it. my meaning is that this is an individual family matter - nothing to do with where we are from. Before I told my family I was scared too (this is natural), but I believe there are also better ways to tell your family and it is these positive stories that we should share so that all younger gay guys (Chinese or Western) can have a better experience.

    2. I am not saying here that people shouldn't have a 'top' or 'bottom' role in bed. All I am saying is that why does it have to be such an early question?? The reason I don't like it being the first question, is that it suggests, if i give the wrong answer, then people won't be interested in talking with me! We all have our sexual preferences, in the same way that i prefer rice to noodles, but it isn't what defines me. There is much more to me than simply being a top (I hope!)!

    3. This is just a cultural difference, I don't say it is good or bad - just different. My meaning is that maybe all people from any country should be as open as possible to trying new experiences without questioning too much?

    4. For this i am only talking personally. I want a relationship where me and my boyfriend are equal. When he needs help - I am there, when i need support - he is there. Again, i think this should have nothing to do with whether people are top or bottom. Of course all people like to be taken care of, but in a relationship, I think it's important to have an equal balance.

    5. For this, i was saying that in many ways, it is easier to be gay in China than many people realise. When I tell Chinese people (who I am not friends or connected with) that I am gay, I think that actually their reaction is often better than English people. Coming from a more 'open' society has both advantages and disadvantages. Beijing is certainly much safer for gay people but also has less understanding of it. Perhaps the two go together?? I don't know...

    6. Finally, I think this is not just restricted to China, it is simply my personal opinion. I think that sex is any sexual act between two guys - whether it includes anal sex or not. Surely all sex can be really fun and should be considered sex!

    Anyway, ALL of these points are just my opinion - whether you agree or not, is simply a matter of personal taste.

    I really hope to see you all in Alfa tonight, it would be great to meet new friends in person
  • 云上的日子 2011-01-28 15:33

  • 云上的日子 2011-01-28 15:35
    凌绝顶: 改革的关键还是触动既得利益者。
  • 凌绝顶 2011-01-28 15:45
    云上的日子: 外在表现是内心的反应。

  • BeysFZ 2011-01-28 15:51
  • 云上的日子 2011-01-28 16:11
    cher: 对个体的尊重,从来都不是中国文化的一部分,以此来评价中国文化,一定是令人悲伤的。
  • 同性同行 2011-01-28 16:20
  • 凌绝顶 2011-01-28 16:23
    同性同行: 想说点什么的,但这几天重感冒,还要上班,真是手放在键盘上,却敲不出字来,晚上回家好好敲敲!
  • frankfrankie 2011-01-28 17:12
    凌绝顶: top和bottom是性行为的偏好,这是不可避免的(就像男女有别一样),但并不能把这些角色带到生活中,一方要迁就另一方,这就不对了。
  • 凌绝顶 2011-01-28 17:30
    frankfrankie: 但是身边的人貌似就把bottom与两性角色中的女性画等号了
  • kelvin870129 2011-01-29 03:06
    为什么是being gay呢??指come out后吗?不是一直就是gay吗??
  • 凌绝顶 2011-01-29 09:26
    kelvin870129: 为什么是being gay呢??指come out后吗?不是一直就是gay吗??
    Being gay 和 Being a man 一样,你可以这样理解。
  • 同性同行 2011-01-29 10:27
    凌绝顶: 早日康复啊



  • frankfrankie 2011-01-30 00:50
    凌绝顶: 所以我觉得,这个不是top/bottom的问题,而是男女平等的问题。
    nod nod
  • JerryTsai 2011-01-31 13:42
    Phil: Hi,
    I've just seen this and would like to add my reply. Sorry that it is not in Chinese, but I want to express myself clearly...

    Firstly, I would li
    I think you are right. But currently the biggest problem for Chinese gay people is that many of them lack of self-confidence. And that causes them to choose opposite-sex marriage. Some of the parents in China still believe that marriage is the indispensible part of life and they will do whatever they can to force their grown-up children to get married and even bear a child as the so-called continuty of the family.
  • garylin 2011-02-01 00:51
    我很同意PHIL对于top and bottom的观点,为什么一定得分得那么清楚,特别是些开始聊天就问这个问题的人,真的很反感,PHIL 还比较好人只是说他没有要做爱的意思,是我就直接拉入黑名单。而且最近这种现象还有进一步升级版的,就是开始聊天就要报身高,体重,角色。那些人真的很可怜,可怜到只剩下性……
  • 凌绝顶 2011-02-01 00:53
    garylin: 我很同意PHIL对于top and bottom的观点,为什么一定得分得那么清楚,特别是些开始聊天就问这个问题的人,真的很反感,PHIL 还比较好人只是说他没有要做爱的意思
  • garylin 2011-02-01 01:01
    凌绝顶: 哈,我是很久没有遇到这种人了。因为我只在飞赞玩,不去qq群、聊天室或者交友网站了。
  • 凌绝顶 2011-02-01 01:12
    garylin: 这个网站比较健康,这也是我玩了几天就迷上的原因。哈哈,看来创始人真的有影响力啊!小弟服了
  • 阴阳和合 2011-02-01 22:28
  • 苍月纹章 2011-02-03 00:10
  • 过去的过去 2011-02-07 13:31
    Well, what i want to say is that to some extent, we Chinese gay comunities are lucky, compared to some radical attitudes towards gay in British and U.S. However, it's still a long way to go to create an opener environment because of the so called moral foundation in Chinese tradition.
  • 凌绝顶 2011-02-07 13:39
    过去的过去: Well, what i want to say is that to some extent, we Chinese gay comunities are lucky, compared to some radical attitudes towards gay in British and U
  • 过去的过去 2011-02-07 14:56
  • xiayu166 2011-02-11 18:46
    平等,尊重,沟通! 还是和咱们中国的传统文化有关,不要动不懂就谈政治和体制! 与其抱怨,不如就从自己开始转变观念吧!
  • Fendi 2011-02-11 20:31
  • 大原耕二 2011-02-15 01:48
  • 大原耕二 2011-02-15 01:57
    xiayu166: 平等,尊重,沟通! 还是和咱们中国的传统文化有关,不要动不懂就谈政治和体制! 与其抱怨,不如就从自己开始转变观念吧!
    自由 平等 博愛
  • 蔡小鑫 2011-02-16 05:06
    Phil: Hi,
    I've just seen this and would like to add my reply. Sorry that it is not in Chinese, but I want to express myself clearly...

    Firstly, I would li
    we will always support you !!!
  • 雷小洋 2011-02-19 16:37
