Let's talk about threesome ( a.k.a. 3P )
34已有 2129 次阅读  2011-04-13 09:44   标签style 

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Dear Sean, 

About 8 months ago my partner and I began having sexual encounters with other men, with the agreement that we did it together. Then his sexual energy for me started to change. Now, he has no desire to have sex with me alone. However, if there is a third person involved, his sexual drive is strong. He says he's working through some relationship issues. Other than sex, we agree that our relationship is strong. What should I do?
Answer: Dear Third Wheel,

Nothing good comes in threes- tires, shoes or relationships. Threesomes always sound like a good idea when our partnered sex lives dwindle, but few of us actually address the real reason for the sexual lag. Instead we venture off into the bed of a temporary solution and ultimately the catalyst for a break up

The mere fact that you decided to have an open relationship with terms says that either one or both of you wasn't completely satisfied. 

Also, healthy relationships are a complete package- emotionally, spiritually, mentally and sexually. I cringe when I hear gay men make excuses for the deficiencies in their relationships: He never hugs me, but we have so much in common. He yells at me for silly things, but we are really close. He doesn't want to have sex with me anymore, but we get along so well... 

Of course, no relationship is perfect and there are always things that couples can work through together, but the first step to solving a relationship issue is recognizing that there is indeed an issue. Then you must openly communicate with each other until a common agreement has been reached. Don't accept vague statements of dissatisfaction. Your relationship cannot continue to grow if one partner refuses to communicate exactly what's bothering him. 

Why is it that we gay men so willing to accept a part time relationship, but demand everything else in our lives be complete? How quickly we insist our cable TV or high speed internet services function properly or that our cars come with zero defects, but we willingly accept an incomplete man? Why should we settle for men that want every part of us except intimacy? If you want to salvage your relationship, close the valve on the flood of threesomes. Force him to the table and get to the bottom of his sudden need for outside action. Asking him to air his troubles isn't pressure, it's called communication. If he still refuses to help you help him, you may want to consider taking some time apart. This is a difficult thing to do, especially given the other positive aspects of the relationship, but eventually this issue over your sex live will result in extreme unhappiness and thus a breakup. See the writing on the wall. His need for outside sex with you as a participant will eventually develop into a desire for action without you. 

Love should never be confused with happiness. It's gayly human to love things that aren't necessarily good for us. Our goal in partnerships is to develop the most complete loving bond possible. This is an evolutionary process that takes real work and equal happiness, not temporary solutions. Let him know that his behavior concerns you. If he's not sensitive to your needs like he is his own, then it may be time for a little solo action on your part. 

Yours in love, 

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  • Tenser 2011-04-13 10:09
    open relationship不能当作解决问题的手段, 只会掩盖问题.
  • tonytome 2011-04-13 10:22
    Totally agree! Personally, i can't accept my partner having threesome sex with the respect of our love. However, i do respect other guys who agreed to do that.
  • Tenser 2011-04-13 10:40
    其实我觉得两对凑在一起搞4P会更稳定些, 当然前提是这两对本身是稳定可靠的.
  • wholewheat 2011-04-13 10:43
    Dear Sean...
    Are you 知心哥哥?
  • GreenSean 2011-04-13 10:51
    Tenser: 其实我觉得两对凑在一起搞4P会更稳定些, 当然前提是这两对本身是稳定可靠的.
    OMG, 你让我想起str8夫妇的换妻游戏。
  • 酱小斌 2011-04-13 10:55
    同意Sean说的,如果你的伴侣宁愿3P也不太愿跟你2个人一起亲密,很有可能他有种脱离你们现在稳定关系的趋向。Communication comes first,我觉得两个人还是得说清楚吧,自己一个人在纠结不是解决棒法
  • Kado 2011-04-13 11:24
    I reeeaaally don't know what to say about the 3 way that other people have...... won't do it myself though,look forward to the proper solution
  • 北京森林 2011-04-13 12:46
  • Tenser 2011-04-13 14:09
    GreenSean: OMG, 你让我想起str8夫妇的换妻游戏。
    既然都是同性不分插头插座, 多个人一起也不是没有和谐的可能. 就我说的4P, 同性两两组合起来比直人的换妻游戏欢乐多了.
  • 无风 2011-04-13 15:05
    Tenser: 为什么关系一定要是两个人之间的?
    既然都是同性不分插头插座, 多个人一起也不是没有和谐的可能. 就我说的4P, 同性两两组合起来比直人的换妻游戏欢乐多了.
    OMG, for gay there r 6 ways to have  twosomes out of 4p, a total victory against 2 ways of  heterosexuality.
    But I think it won't be such a simple thing when affection or feelings invovled.
  • Breezywork 2011-04-13 16:20
    open relationshipi believe that's more of a problem concering the definition of healthy relationship. for some couples, the dichotomy of spiritual and sexual life do work.
    monogamy is not for everyone. perhaps all we can do is to find out what we want, and go after that without hurting the people we love.
    btw, love that pic from oac
  • xiaoyaoziqing 2011-04-13 20:17
  • 松武 2011-04-13 22:02
  • 列冰 2011-04-14 00:13
  • 大奥 2011-04-14 01:26
  • iMF 2011-04-14 02:35
    lol.. threesome? that can be tried at times but always
  • iMF 2011-04-14 02:35
    大奥: 关于开放式关系的一篇文章,是外国杂志上的吗?希望有人翻译!
    这是关于3p的= =
  • wsgsl 2011-04-14 02:56
    Actually, Sean's opinion is quite similar to Damien's. Normally, if one is seeking threesome fun, then there should be some problems with the relationship. In this situation, people should sit down and settle down the problems instead of blinding themselves by having open relationship without serious consideration. Moreover, the so-called 'triangle relationship' is very unstable, and is not a good solution to the existing problems. Since, in order to make everyone satisfied, the distance among the three should be identical, otherwise, sooner or later, the one who have comparatively less intimate relationship will be out!
  • 大奥 2011-04-14 05:17
    iMF: 这是关于3p的= =
  • 吃VC的小鱼儿 2011-04-14 06:47
  • GreenSean 2011-04-14 08:42
    wholewheat: Dear Sean...
    Are you 知心哥哥?
    I wish !
  • GreenSean 2011-04-14 08:44
    北京森林: 生活方式有很多,TREESOME也是其中一种。你可以不接受,不喜欢,但他一直是并且存在。从各种因素看,这或许是G的生活方式的发展方向之一。
  • GreenSean 2011-04-14 08:45
    Tenser: 为什么关系一定要是两个人之间的?
    既然都是同性不分插头插座, 多个人一起也不是没有和谐的可能. 就我说的4P, 同性两两组合起来比直人的换妻游戏欢乐多了.
  • GreenSean 2011-04-14 08:48
    iMF: 这是关于3p的= =
    nice of you to tell him ...
  • 282455625 2011-04-14 09:05
    我还是比较喜欢2个人在一起的感觉 比较温馨也比较窝心啊
  • GreenSean 2011-04-14 09:06
    大奥: 三人行不属于开放式关系吗?
  • goodrice 2011-04-14 09:13
  • Tomcat 2011-04-14 10:13
    Tenser: 其实我觉得两对凑在一起搞4P会更稳定些, 当然前提是这两对本身是稳定可靠的.
  • iMF 2011-04-14 10:16
    GreenSean: nice of you to tell him ...
    no problem
  • Tomcat 2011-04-14 10:20
    发问者的问题不在于是否接受3P。从他开始的表述,他并不反对3p,甚至也是enjoyed a lot。他不能接受的是他的BF从此不再有兴趣跟他单独ML,而只享受3P的时光了,这才是症结所在。这和open relationship还不太一样,或者只是刚刚开始而已。
